Verification of SAS Accommodations

Students who utilized accommodations as undergraduates at Dartmouth may request similar accommodations for graduate school or professional exams such as the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and others.


Though high school disability coordinators often handle accommodations for undergraduate-level tests such as the SAT or ACT, the responsibility for securing testing accommodations at the graduate level shifts to the students themselves. Testing organizations and graduate programs have different requirements and timelines, and all require advance planning. Please familiarize yourself with the requirements of the program or exam for which you are requesting verification of accommodations from SAS.


Please complete and sign a Release of Information (ROI) form and email it to with any relevant details about your request.

Current Undergraduate Students

If you are a current undergraduate or BE student, please contact your SAS Advisor for assistance.


Please plan on requests for disability/accommodation verification for graduate programs or testing agencies to take up to three weeks.

Although it may seem a straightforward request, some of the testing agencies require SAS to do detailed review of documentation and/or to complete a comprehensive form on your behalf. Moreover, fulfilling your request sometimes entails SAS needing to submit a request for your file from records management. In addition, because some students will no longer have or use a Dartmouth email address, we'll need to verify your identity. Meanwhile, SAS needs to prioritize students' current accommodation-related needs, and you may be reaching out at a particularly busy time of quarter. Thank you for your patience.