Time Away Categories
Leave term: A leave term is an academic term during which a student is not enrolled in classes but retains active student status.
Time Away: Time away allows students to be away from Dartmouth for one or more academic terms. While still considered matriculated Dartmouth students, students are placed in inactive status for the duration of their time away. Students taking time away are ineligible to enroll in Dartmouth courses, live in college housing, and participate in any Dartmouth activities that are not open to the public. Students taking time away have access to campus as a member of the general public.
- Medical/TAMR: Time away for medical reasons allows students to take time away from Dartmouth so that they may receive treatment beyond what can appropriately be provided by or accessed at Dartmouth College while actively enrolled. The Time Away Office manages the TAMR process for undergraduate students.
- Personal/TAPR: Personal time away allows students to take time away for any reason. Students' grades at the time they initiate their time away from the term may impact the terms of the personal time away. See the relevant sections of the Student Handbook.
- Administrative: Students who do not complete the check-in process, fail to clear administrative holds, or enroll in an unapproved courseload will be removed from the term. The student's enrollment pattern will be changed to an 'A' for that term, reflecting the change in status. Students who are placed on time away for administrative reasons retain an inactive status until the start of their next term of active enrollment.
- Suspension: A student may be suspended for misconduct or poor academic performance warranting removal from the College community for a specified number of terms.
- Personal time away after suspension: A student may choose to take additional time away after the time of suspension has been completed. Students will remain suspended unless they request that their status be changed to "time away for personal reasons". Students will need to communicate with their undergraduate dean to update their record accordingly. Students remain in inactive status until the start of the term in which they are approved to return.