
To Contact Undergraduate Deans

  • Find a student's undergraduate dean assignment on the Faculty and Advisors Banner menu with the student's ID number or name. Use the "Show Undergraduate Dean" entry on the Banner menu.
  • Or contact our office (603-646-2243) with questions about undergraduate dean assignments.

To Report Concerns and Observations

Using DSASA (Dartmouth Student Academic Support Application)

DSASA is a web based (Banner) academic alert system that allows faculty to easily identify their students and report observations, concerns, and comments regarding performance to the Undergraduate Deans Office. This system will be available beginning the first day of each term through the end of finals, allowing faculty to continually collaborate with undergraduate deans in “real time.” Through this revised method of collaboration we hope to more effectively support students and their academic success.

From your faculty Banner page, choose the “DSASA-Academic Alert to Dean” link to access the system.