Frequently Asked Questions Related to Taking Time Away for Undergraduate Students

Time Away for Medial Reasons (TAMR) and Time Away for Personal Reasons (TAPR): UG Specific Frequently Asked Questions

When do requests for time away need to be made?

Time away for medical reasons (TAMR) and time away for personal reasons (TAPR) can be requested at any time. If you wish to withdraw from a term in which you are currently enrolled, the request must be made by the last day of classes. If you are requesting TAMR, we recommend that you discuss this option with both your licensed treating clinician and your undergraduate dean. If you do not have a licensed treating clinician, you can contact Dartmouth College Health Services (DCHS). When taking time away, you will also want to take into consideration Dartmouth's refund policy; there is a declining refund of tuition and room and board based on the effective date of the time away. No refund is given after the fifth week of the term (unless you have previously purchased Dartmouth's Tuition Insurance). It is recommended that you discuss the possibility of taking time away as early in the term as possible, as there can be significant academic and financial implications to consider. 

Can I take TAMR or TAPR and return the next term (i.e., simultaneous return)?  

Simultaneous return is only approved in situations where there is a clearly defined recovery period for a health or personal situation that would allow a student to return at the start of the following term.  Simultaneous returns from TAMR are rare and require support from DCHS as well as approval from the Undergraduate Dean's Office.  A past example is a student taking a term off to recover from a surgery from which they will not be mobile for a specific period of time.  For a TAMR simultaneous return, the treating licensed clinician from DCHS would give support for both the time away and the timeframe for appropriate return to the Undergraduate Deans Office.  

Will my family be told that I am taking time off?

Yes.  Dartmouth notifies families when a student's enrollment status changes, though we do not routinely share details about the nature of the change in enrollment status. Students are notified before families are contacted. Your families can be important partners. There may be cost implications related to the refund policy, insurance coverage may need to be arranged, and/or the family may be involved in supporting the student when they return home. The only exception to this notification practice would be if a student had previously established themselves as an independent student.

Is TAMR different from a medical leave?  I've heard that there is personal time away. What's that?

If you choose to take TAMR, you will be taking time away from Dartmouth.  You may hear this term used interchangeably with the more informal  "medical leave." Time away for personal reasons (TAPR) is a "non-medical withdrawal."  Regardless of the nature of the time away (i.e., TAMR or TAPR), choosing to pause your enrollment at Dartmouth is a significant decision that should be made in consultation with your licensed treating clinician (if applicable), your undergraduate dean, and other members of your support network.  The following chart helps differentiate between TAMR and TAPR:



Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR)

Time Away for Personal Reasons (TAPR)

Students may take as many TAMRs as are medically warranted; requires support from a clinician.

Students may take TAPR once; a second TAPR would be viewed as a resignation from Dartmouth

Grades are not considered

Estimated grades are requested from your faculty

  • grades that would result in academic probation may result in additional conditions for return
  • grades that would result in an academic suspension will require you to be away from campus for three terms;

See the relevant sections of the Student Handbook.

You would be expected to engage in the treatment plan reviewed with your licensed treating clinician prior to returning and other activities (for example: working, taking courses, volunteering, pursuing other interests) that may both contribute to your well-being and readiness to return.

There are no medical criteria for return. However, you should not use this option as a way to avoid medical treatment.  You are expected to use your time away constructively and responsibly.  You will be required to submit information attesting to how you have used your time away. There should be evidence that you've addressed the issues that led to your time away before you return.

I'm doing fine in my classes, but I need to leave campus now for medical reasons.  Can I finish this term?

Possibly. If you are passing your classes, faculty share that there have not been any problems with attendance or participation, and you would only be missing a small portion of the term (typically no more than a week), you can speak with your undergraduate dean about the option of taking one or more Incompletes.  Students are encouraged to seek guidance from their licensed treating clinician(s) in conjunction with their undergraduate dean to determine whether completing coursework within the allowed timeframe will compromise their treatment.

Can I take a course for credit to be transferred to Dartmouth while I am taking time away?

If you have finished your first-year residence requirement, you may be eligible to transfer credit back to Dartmouth while taking time away.  You would be subject to the regular transfer credit policies as outlined in the ORC.  Even if you aren't eligible to transfer the credit because a) you are a first-year student or b) are taking a class that doesn't qualify (e.g., at a community college, for a class that wouldn't transfer, etc.), there may still be a benefit personally and/or academically to do so. Your undergraduate advising dean can answer questions for you regarding transferring courses.

Can I live on campus?

No. As an educational institution, Dartmouth College is unable to provide the level of care that a student experiencing significant health or personal challenges might need. Therefore, we are unable to provide housing for students who are taking TAMR or TAPR. This rule extends to include College-affiliated houses, including those that are privately owned.  If you are considering staying in the Hanover area, please discuss with your licensed treating clinician and undergraduate dean.  Not only is this an expensive option, but our experience has been that students perform better academically upon their return and see greater benefits when they are away from campus.  

What will happen to my financial aid?

You do not lose your eligibility for financial aid. If your TAMR or TAPR coincides with the re-enrollment period, please be sure to complete the forms as you normally would. It is important to talk with the Financial Aid Office to understand the implications for your aid package any time enrollment at Dartmouth is interrupted. If your time away is medical in nature, it is also suggested you look into the Dartmouth Tuition Insurance before enrolling in your next term.

I am an international student. Will I have to leave the country?

You will want to talk with the Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) before making a final decision about taking time away. International students who hold F-1 status can discuss with OVIS the implications of taking time away on their immigration status and their ability to remain in the United States.

If I take TAMR or TAPR, when do I have to leave campus?

Students are asked to leave campus within 72 hours of the effective date of their Time Away.  There are times when an extra day or two can make a significant difference in travel costs or a family being able to come to campus.  Your undergraduate dean can work with you to briefly extend your departure date, if necessary.  You can coordinate storage of belongings through Residential Operations as you would during a leave term. Your UGA or the Assistant Director for your House Community may also have suggestions about what to do with your belongings.

Will I lose my email account?

No. Your email account will stay active for two years after the effective date of your time away. Your Dartmouth email will give you access to UWill, UHelp, remote library access and subscriptions.

I don't have good grades in some of my classes this term.  What gets recorded on my transcript?

Grades are not recorded for the term if your time away is effective before the last day of class for the term.  In fact, your transcript will not reflect any enrollment for that term. If you choose to take TAPR before the last day of class for the term, your transcript will not reflect enrollment for the term, but there are certain grade-related rules and regulations you will need to discuss with your Undergraduate Dean prior to making a decision about taking TAPR. If you take TAMR, your grades are not taken into account when you take time away.

What will happen to my DSGHP Insurance?

If a student takes TAMR and is already enrolled in the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP), their coverage will stay in effect through August 31st. A student taking TAMR who is already enrolled in DSGHP may renew the policy for up to one year, and one year only, beyond August 31st, while they remain on TAMR. If a student has questions and/or would like to discuss renewing their DSGHP policy, they should contact the DSGHP office 603-646-9438 or email  

For undergraduate students who have taken TAMR with demonstrated financial need and who are enrolled in DSGHP prior to taking TAMR, Dartmouth will pay for up to four terms of DSGHP insurance coverage beyond August 31st. Students seeking financial support will be asked to sign an attestation declaring financial hardship. Students will need to work with the Financial Aid office to discuss this benefit.

If you are covered under an insurance policy other than DSGHP (e.g., your parent/guardian's policy), we advise you to talk to your insurance agency about the terms of your health insurance coverage. Some carriers will not cover a dependent child over eighteen years of age unless they are a full-time student. It will be important to discuss with the company to confirm your coverage if you take time away from Dartmouth. 

Can I continue to get health care at Dartmouth College Health Service (DCHS) while on TAMR or TAPR?

No. DCHS will not be available during your time away. However, they will help connect you with a clinician where you will be living while you take time away. You will continue to have access to UWill and UHelp for the two years that your Dartmouth email account remains active. Students who take time away are allowed access to public spaces; DCHS clinicians are not available to the public, thus not available to students taking time away. DCHS clinicians may be seen for a consultation, help with finding a clinician or a few days of medications to support them until they can meet with a new clinician.   

How do I find health care where I live?

DCHS will help connect you with a local clinician to support you while you take time away. Connecting to a clinician in your local area for care will best support your healing process before returning to your academics. If you are currently getting medication from a DCHS clinician, that provider will help you find a new prescriber where you will be during your time away. If you need counseling services, students will continue to have access to UWill and UHelp for the two years that their email account remains active. 

What happens if I don't complete all of the treatment recommendations while on TAMR?

Dartmouth is excited for you to return when you are ready. During the return process, you will be asked to provide information from your licensed treating clinician to DCHS. If appropriate, your clinician will have the opportunity to share information about factors that prevented you from completing the treatment recommendations outlined in your TAMR letter from DCHS. 

When will I be eligible to move into the residence hall for the term I plan to come back? 

Returning students are eligible to be in their residence hall the day residence halls open for their term of enrollment. Any request for returning to campus prior to the official residence hall opening date requires special permission by the student's Undergraduate Dean. Such requests should be made in writing and submitted well in advance of the date the student wishes to be on campus. Please note these are approved in extremely rare circumstances. 

Do I still have access to my Dartmouth email, DartHub and Hinman box? 

Students will have access to their Dartmouth email for up to two years and DartHub for up to 30 days. You will want to contact Hinman Mail regarding a forwarding address for mail while you are away as you will not have access to your HB.  


Where do I store my belongings on campus while I am away? 

The length of time away varies from student to student, so it is best to take all belongings with you. Additionally, you may be able to store items in Controlled Storage (for a fee) for the time that you are away from campus. Students need to discuss this option with Residential Operations. If you have questions regarding storing your things, please don't hesitate to talk to your UGA or your AD.


What campus resources do I have access to while taking time away? 

You will have the same access to campus as a member of the general public. You will not be able to access spaces that require an ID to enter. 

·                      Physical spaces. Students taking time away will have the same level of access to campus buildings as the public. For example, students taking time away can walk around the Green, go into the library, use the Collis Center, eat in campus dining halls, or visit the Hood Museum. Students taking time away are not able to enter spaces that require a Dartmouth ID to swipe into them such as residence halls, lab spaces or office buildings as these spaces are not open to the general public. Students may not stay overnight as a guest in campus buildings while taking time away.

·                      Events. Students taking time away can participate in any Dartmouth activity or meeting that is open to the public. For example, students can attend lectures open to the public or public events such as football games, Powwow, or many campus performances.  Students may not audit courses or attend gatherings that are not open to the general public (i.e., meetings for teams, clubs, student groups or organizations).

·                      Resources. Students taking time away will have access to the same resources that the general public can access. For example, they may purchase a gym membership or purchase a meal at one of the dining locations. Students taking time away will not have access to Dartmouth College Health Services or faculty and staff offices. Students taking time away may contact their undergraduate dean or Dartmouth College Health Services to ask questions regarding the return process.  


Am I allowed to work on campus while taking time away? 

During the period of your time away, you may apply for any Dartmouth job that is advertised to the public.  Students on time away are ineligible to work in jobs funded by Dartmouth work study or federal work study dollars because the federal government requires these funds be used only for enrolled students.

If taking time away, what does my transcript say? Will the College report my time away to employers, graduate schools, etc.? 

During the period of your time away, your transcript will read "Student Status: Withdrawn". If a student requests that the College verify their enrollment status while they are on Time Away, the information shared will reflect the transcript notation (i.e., "withdrawn"). The College will not report the type of withdrawal with employers, graduate schools, or other outside entities. Once a student returns from time away, their transcript will read "Student Status: Active". The terms that a student spends on time away are not recorded or noted in any way on the transcript.

Am I allowed to audit Dartmouth Courses while taking time away? 

No. During your time away, you are asked to focus on the reasons you were not able to continue with your studies. 

What happens if I get a Good Sam while taking time away? 

You will be treated as a member of the general public and taken to the hospital.  You will not be able to be turned over to a sober friend who lives in college housing.  As the medical amnesty policy only applies to the College's policy regarding alcohol and other drugs, students who are under the legal drinking age may be subject to action by local and state authorities.

Will I be held to the College's standards of conduct while taking time away? 

Yes. You will be held to the same standards as all Dartmouth students. Once you begin at Dartmouth until you have graduated, you are considered a member of our community and are held to the standards of conduct.

What if I have an emergency while taking time away? 

Call 911! If you are taking time away, you will need to utilize the emergency resources that are available to the general public. If the emergency happens on campus property, DoSS will respond and will call the local authorities to assist with their response.

When I am ready to return, how do I apply for housing on campus? 

When you are ready to return, you should complete the students seeking return housing form on the Housing website.  This will allow Housing to include you in their assignment process for the term in which you seek to return. You do not need to wait until you have been approved to return before completing the form; it is recommended that you submit the form once you have submitted your return materials to the Undergraduate Deans Office. If you are denied return for that term, you will not be eligible to live in college housing.

What can I do - and what am I expected to do - on my time away? 

Students take time away for many reasons. Whether students are away on TAMR or TAPR, the goal is for students to return to school feeling equipped to thrive academically, socially, and otherwise. There are a variety of things you are able to do while taking time away, including work for money, completing an internship, volunteering, doing research, spending time with family and/or friends, and taking a class. The college hopes you will find a way to rest, heal, recover and prepare to return to Dartmouth. For students taking TAMR, you will proactively work with a clinician at DCHS who will discuss your treatment plan. The plan, which you will develop collaboratively with your clinician at DCHS, will include treatment with clinicians in the community where you will be living as well as other opportunities that will help you prepare to return to school.  

In the new TAMR Policy, there are two terms - individual clinical assessment and individual assessment. What is the difference between these two terms?  

A clinical assessment is an assessment by a licensed clinician (i.e., a doctor or counselor). An individual assessment (without clinical in the title) may be done by your undergraduate dean or Student Accessibility Services. It is an assessment of the information available to them.

Why does my assigned undergraduate dean make the final decision on taking TAMR/TAPR or returning from TAMR/TAPR? 

The Undergraduate Deans Office is responsible for overseeing all time away and returns to the institution for undergraduate students. These decisions take into account information provided by the student, faculty (for TAPR), and relevant campus offices, as well as the clinician at DCHS with whom you worked.