Elections Planning and Advisory Committee

The Elections Planning and Advisory Committee (EPAC) is a student-run committee formed at the start of each winter term to oversee the campus-wide general election process for spring term.

About the EPAC

The EPAC believes and supports the philosophy that an open, fair, and well-organized election process plays an essential part in strengthening our community and student governance at Dartmouth College. We strive to administer each election with the Principle of Community and this philosophy in mind.

Each year the EPAC is responsible for ensuring a fair election by justly enforcing the provisions set forth in the General Election Code.

  • We set a specific timeline for all official election events.
  • We publicize the election and the process for becoming a candidate.
  • We inform candidates of the election rules and guidelines during mandatory information sessions.
  • We rule on all campaign-related matters (including alleged campaign violations and clarifications to the General Election Code).
  • We verify and publicize the results of the campus-wide election.

Contact: Elections.Planning.and.Advisory.Committee@dartmouth.edu

Current Membership


  • Meghan Goyal, '26


  • Carson Goh, '25
  • Sabrina Chu, '26
  • Noah Amidon, '27
  • Alan Cui, '27
  • Noah Pilnitz, '28
  • Diya Singh, '28
  • Noah Canada, '28


  • Joe Castelot, Director of the Collis Student Center

