Discourse Funds

Discourse Funds

Undergraduate students and student groups play a central role in promoting dialogue and influencing social change. Considering this, Community and Campus Life offers two distinct opportunities for students and student organizations to promote discourse and effect change on campus and off campus. Discourse at Dartmouth provides resources for recognized student organization campus events promoting dialogue. And Discourse Beyond Dartmouth offers funding for off-campus events, conferences, visits, and other in-person opportunities allowing students to engage more directly in dialogue and advocacy across the country and around the world.


To be considered for funding, those- individuals and organizations- submitting applications must be in good standing with the institution; cannot have any pending or unresolved Community Standards or Title IX allegations; and/or cannot have any unresolved account holds. The funding application deadline for both funds is the first Monday of each month during the term. Applications will be reviewed and decided upon by Friday of that same week.

Apply for Discourse at Dartmouth Funding here

Apply for Discourse Beyond Dartmouth Funding here.

Strong applications are detailed, thoughtful, and fully address all relevant parameters. Applications will be reviewed by a designated committee of staff, faculty, students and alumni in a manner that is content and viewpoint neutral. The maximum amount of funding per application for both funds is $12,000.00. 

Do not apply for funding from UFC fundings sources or groups until after you complete this process.