PRIDE 2024

The 2024 Pride celebration has been planned under the leadership of Rosario Rosales '25 and Felipe Mendonca '27 with support from assistant director Angélique Bouthot. Felipe joined the team as a first year, planning and attending his first Pride on campus. Rosario has been a part of planning three Prides and multiple other celebrations, co-chairing three major celebrations with OPAL.
Numerous other students, faculty, and staff are part of making Pride happen. A round of thanks for the many students participating in town hall and leadership meetings who provided feedback throughout the Pride planning process and for those who volunteer to make these events happen. Student organizations, faculty departments, and staff collaborators also host events throughout the term, creating a calendar and a Pride celebration that spans campus.
This work would not be possible without additional support from our sponsors: Institutional Diversity & Equity, the Special Programs and Events Committee (SPEC), the Geography Department, the History Department, and English and Creative Writing.