Winterim Resource Page

Resources available during Winterim 2024, the interim period between fall and winter terms.

Winterim Resources for 2024

The Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL), First Generation Office (FGO) and International Student Experience have worked together with various campus partners to compile information of all Winterim support across campus. The Winterim Resources Page includes details about programs and events, meals, and campus resources – including hours of spaces like Collis, Alumni Gym, Health Service, the Hood, Libraries, and Student Wellness Center. This page will be updated as new information becomes available or shifts.

Winterim GroupMe

Join the Winterim GroupMe to connect with other students on campus during Winterim! Student staff in the FGO and OPAL will share program/event information.

Holiday Meals

We work with community partners to make available dinner on federally-recognized holidays when Dartmouth facilities are closed, namely American Thanksgiving/National Day of Mourning on Thursday, November 28 and Christmas Day on Wednesday, December 25. All are welcome at these community meals – the most current information is available on the Winterim Events Calendar.

Holiday Community Meals hosted by the United Church of Christ
Thursday, November 28 and Wednesday, December 25
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College (CCDC)
40 College Street, Hanover
All, regardless of faith or spiritual leanings, are welcome!


General questions about Winterim support can be sent to – this is monitored by OPAL and FGO staff. Contact us if you are aware of other events or resources we can add to the Winterim Resource page, and if there is any other way we can be of help during this time!