
Motivation has a strong influence on how well you do your job. Students often feel that they are performing tasks that are required by their teachers but which are utterly meaningless to them. In contrast, the students who see how their schoolwork fits into their plans for themselves become willing workers. It is quite true that "you can do anything you want to do" because wanting makes the necessary work easy. Determination to work is not the same as motivation. You can force yourself on occasion, but there are limits to the success of such an approach.

​How to Gain Motivation

  1. Decide what you're trying to do in college. (You may need a counselor or other advisor to help with this.) Find out exactly how you go about achieving what you want. (What classes are required and what classes aren't required? How long will it take you? How much will it cost?) With this information you can see the end of the tunnel. You can see yourself progressing, and you can avoid a lot of "wheel spinning."
  2. Make college your job. Don't let the incidental business of earning a living and leading a social life interfere with your central task of getting through school. If something must be neglected (and good planning can usually avoid this), then neglect something other than school.
    1. Have your own books, find a suitable place to work, and keep your materials conveniently available.
    2. Most distractions come from within you. If you have trouble concentrating, try to see what's bothering you and take steps to eliminate it.  
  3. Set short-range goals
    1. Analyze your study task. What do you want to achieve? How can it best be done?
    2. Set a definite time limit.
    3. Evaluate your success or failure. Recognize and learn from your mistakes.