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Academic coaches are trained professional staff members well-versed in learning strategies and skills.
Academic success is important to students and our work focuses first on supporting students in defining what academic success means to them and then on partnering with students in identifying strategies, adopting behaviors, and developing action steps to support their academic journey.
Think of it this way: athletic coaches provide instruction and guidance specific to a sport, academic coaches provide instruction and guidance specific to learning.
Make a first available appointment
Make a Zoom appointment after hours on Mondays & Wednesdays
The links below will direct you to the Calendly scheduling platform for each academic coach.
Make an appointment with Carmen Rodriguez
Academic coaching drop-ins take place during weeks 2-9 of the fall, winter, and spring terms.
Where: Berry 178
When: Wednesdays from 1-4PM
No appointment needed.
The Academic Skills Center offers Buddy Coaching. In addition to the one-on-one coaching model, you can now BYOB — Bring Your Own Buddy — to an academic coaching session. Add your name and your buddy's name (select 'add guest' during booking), when you make an appointment or bring a buddy along for drop-ins, which are available every Wednesday from 1-4PM at the ASC in Berry 178.
"It's no exaggeration that the Academic Skills Center gave me a new lease on life. I met with the ASC before I even became a student. They helped me identify learning disabilities that had plagued me for decades. Thanks to the ASC, I tackled those disabilities and went back to school. I am now working on my master's degree at Dartmouth and recently completed a study-abroad opportunity at Oxford. The kid who worried about graduating high school many years ago is now looking at Ph. D. programs, thanks to the Academic Skills Center."