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These celebrations at Dartmouth are connected to or reminiscent of some national and international days and months of recognition. Queer History Celebration is closely aligned with LGBTQIA+ History Month. Trans Week of Visibility on campus is closely aligned with Trans Day of Visibility, Trans Awareness Week, and Trans Day of Remembrance. We recognize and uplift the many identities that intersect with queerness and their coinciding celebrations, including but not limited to Latinx & Caribbean History Celebration and Indigenous Peoples' Month.
This theme represents the reality that queer, trans, and nonbinary people have lived & loved throughout human history and at Dartmouth. We want to acknowledge the history, at Dartmouth and beyond, that allowed us to express ourselves this freely today and encourage a sense of pride in the Upper Valley queer community. Through this fall's Queer History Celebration and Trans Week of Visibility, we hope to communicate that as young people, we are actively creating our own history. Lastly, we find it essential to recognize the histories of LGBTQIA+ people of various ethnicities, races, religions, disabilities, and other identities.
By recognizing this intersectionality, we are creating a world with more spaces for queer education, celebration, and enjoyment. The history and creation of these spaces are the core purposes of QHC and TWOV.
Triangle House Community Welcome Back Picnic
Saturday, September 24th, 1-3 pm
The Queer History Celebration and Trans Week of Visibility student committee, with support from OPAL and SPEC, warmly invite you to their Welcome Back Picnic. Join us on the Triangle House Lawn (4 N Park St) on Saturday, September 24th from 1-3 pm for food, fun, and friendship bracelets as we kick off our celebrations and share the full calendar of fall events. Come to hang with friends and meet staff at OPAL and Triangle House. This event is dry and open to the campus community while centering our LGBTQIA+ community members. Please contact Angélique with any questions at angelique@dartmouth.edu.
Femme is Fierce
Thursday, October 6th from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Hood Museum
Students in the LCHC and QHC committees are collaborating to host this event in the Hood Museum, in collaboration with exhibit curator Alisa Swindell. Come to learn about this photography exhibit, how it intersects with these identity-based celebrations, enjoy some snacks, and take your own fierce femme photos.
Queer BIPOC Mixer
Saturday, October 8th from 1-2:30 pm in Collis Common Ground
Given that the majority of Dartmouth is white, most queer spaces and events are tailored to the white, queer student majority while leaving queer students of color marginalized and secluded. Additionally, queer students of color are unaware of their own community and of others who may share the same experiences and stories as them. This Queer BIPOC mixer is meant to emphasize Dartmouth's queer BIPOC community through providing them a platform to uplift their voices and experiences. Additionally, we hope to strengthen Dartmouth's queer BIPOC community through allowing them to reconnect and meet other members of the community who they were previously unaware of. Food provided will be from farm workers associated with the FUERZA Fund!
Rainbow Rollerskating by Collis After Dark
Saturday, October 8th at 9 pm in Collis Common Ground
Our friends at Collis After Dark are hosting Rainbow Rollerskating! Join with us to have a good time, skate to some queer music, and have some snacks. All are welcome!
Jotería with Latinx & Caribbean History Celebration
This event will bring the creator and illustrator of jotería to Dartmouth, unveiling his newest edition of this game. Jotería is a version of the classic Mexican game loteria that has been queered, centering gay, lesbian, trans, and queer Latinx and Chicanx individuals in art and play. Antonio will lead students through rounds of the game and provide prizes. In between rounds of the game, drag queens from Dartmouth's own House of Lewan will entertain participants with performances.
National Coming Out Day Concert
Saturday, October 15th from 2-4 pm on the Collis Patio
This event will be a space for students to grab refreshments, play games, and celebrate themselves and/or their friends who are navigating what it means to be out on campus or in different social circles.
Queer History of the Upper Valley
Thursday, October 20th from 5-7 pm in Collis Common Ground
Students, faculty, and local community members will learn about and discuss the queer histories of the Upper Valley, with the help of the Main Street Museum. During the event, we will share experiences on what it means to be "here and queer" at Dartmouth and in the Upper Valley. Attendees will be able to discuss and conversate with each other to build community.
Muxes: Deconstructing Gender Norms
Sunday, October 23rd 6 pm
Hosted by La Casa & partners in Triangle House *LOCATION CHANGE*
Join La Casa, Fuerza Fund, Triangle House, LALAC House, and more as they screen "Mitzary-Muxe and the Visibility of Otherness" followed by a conversation with Mitzary Regalado, Mexico's 2022 Muxe Queen.
DGALA: Alumni Talks
Monday, October 24th from 7-8 pm, virtually and in Triangle House
A panel of LGBTQ+ alumni will share their experiences at Dartmouth and beyond, and be in conversation with current students. The event, supported by DGALA and Triangle House, will be in-person at Triangle House (4 N Park St.) and on Zoom. Food will be provided for in-person attendees.
Trans Week of Visibility Keynote
Tuesday, November 1st at 6 pm EST
Join us virtually as we welcome J Mase III for poetry and dialogue for Trans Week of Visibility. J Mase III is a Black/Trans/queer poet & educator based in Seattle by way of Philly. As an educator, Mase has worked with community members in the US, UK, and Canada on the needs of LGBTQIA+ folks and racial justice in spaces such as K-12 schools, universities, faith communities and restricted care facilities. He is founder of awQward, the first trans and queer people of color talent agency.
J Mase is author of And Then I Got Fired: One Transqueer's Reflections on Grief, Unemployment & Inappropriate Jokes About Death as well as White Folks Be Trippin': An Ethnography Through Poetry & Prose. He is head writer for the theatrical production Black Bois.
His work has been featured on MSNBC, Essence Live, Everyday Feminism, Black Girl Dangerous, the New York Times, Buzzfeed, Blavity, the Root, the Huffington Post, TEDx and more. Winner of a Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Non-Fiction and a Creative Capital Award, he is co-director of the forthcoming documentary, the Black Trans Prayer Book and is finishing his latest solo work, Is Your God a Violent God? Finding a Theology for Survivors. Find him on Instagram & TikTok (@jmaseiii) and www.jmaseiii.com
Queer: Now & Then, A Rauner Special Collections Event
Wednesday, November 2nd from 6-8 pm in the Rauner Archives
In this event, students have the opportunity to view Rauner's artifacts documenting queer history while being able to contribute to the event via a photo/art/etc. drive before and during the event. During the event, we will share experiences on what it means to be "here and queer" at Dartmouth and how important the role of documentation and visibility has played in our queer history.
Queer Sex-Positive Workshop and Shop
Friday, November 4th from 4:30-6:30 pm in Collis 101 and 212
In today's society, sexuality, and sexual health are heavily stigmatized and silenced. This leaves many queer, and queer people of color, at a huge disadvantage in comparison to their heterosexual counterparts. With this workshop, we hope to create a safe space for queer students to learn and shed feelings of shame. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop focused on queer sexuality, to acquire pleasure tools and educational books, and access confidential STI screening through Health Services, who will also be onsite.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil
Monday, November 7th at 4:30pm on the Collis Patio
The Transgender Day of Remembrance, held every year on November 20, commemorates the transgender people killed that year. Our vigil, held earlier than the Transgender Day of Remembrance, is meant to honor the transgender, nonbinary, and gender-non-conforming people killed worldwide in 2022. We would like to have a flag display set up with one flag for every transgender person killed that year (375 in 2021, as an estimate), as well as an opportunity for attendees to place votive candles and flowers in a designated space alongside lists of names and printed portraits of the transgender people who were lost. Beforehand, students would be able to submit the names and pictures of the transgender people who were close to them, to be honored and remembered if they so wish. During the vigil, there will be a moment of silence after the placement of flowers and votive candles, and potentially a brief spoken note on the importance of the occasion.
Jessica Chiriboga '24
Rosario Rosales '25
Sonia Meytin '26
Haley Banta, '25
Andrew Shi, '26
Izzy Morales, '25
Special Programs & Events Committee, Leslie Center for the Humanities, South House, the Hood Museum, Guarini Center, DGALA, Library, the Jewish Studies Program, the Student Wellness Center, and the Departments of English, Geography, and LALACs