Dartmouth Events

Visibility:2020 - LaQuisha Anthony Lecture & Discussion

Join the Visibility:2020 campaign for a lecture and discussion with LaQuisha Anthony, founder and CEO of V.O.I.C.E.. Reception to follow.

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Rockefeller 003
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

The Visibility:2020 campaign is excited to bring an inspiring, empowering woman to campus:

LaQuisha Anthony, founder and CEO of V.O.I.C.E.

(Victory Over Inconceivable Cowardly Experiences) Inc: A Survivor’s Network


Sexual violence reproduces inequalities across identities – including gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and ability. LaQuisha Anthony will discuss the history of V.O.I.C.E. and how it has created a space for public praxis around power dynamics of gender oppression. She will also offer an overview of the challenges of narrating sexual violence, and how activism against sexual violence can reflect the needs of women of color and other marginalized groups.

Based in Philadelphia, LaQuisha Anthony’s work focuses on ending silence and stigma around sexual violence through uniting survivors and empowering those who are affected by sexual violence. More about her activism and advocacy can be found on the V.O.I.C.E. website or in this 2019 article from the Philadelphia Enquirer.  

A small reception will follow the lecture and discussion.


This event is part of Visibility:2020 (formerly V-February), a reimagination of Dartmouth’s student-led campaign to promote gender equity and end gender- and power-based violence. For more information and/or accommodations, email opal.wag@dartmouth.edu.

For more information, contact:
OPAL Women and Gender Advising
(603) 646-0987

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.