Active Study Strategies
Improve retention of course material and increase recall speed with these fun, interactive study methods. Activities can be completed alone or with any study partner, even someone who is not in your class! Print Version.
STEM Study Strategies
Study strategies documents and videos based on educational research and personal experiences of the Teaching Science Fellows, recent Dartmouth grads who partner with the faculty of introductory biology and chemistry classes to make them more accessible to all students
Post-Exam Analysis
Create an in-depth assessment of your performance on a past exam to devise a strategic plan for future exams. Pro-tip: Complete this resource before completing the Test Prep Plan.
Test Prep Plan
Evaluate exam parameters and resources. Categorize exam materials by order of difficulty. Develop a multi-step plan that enables you to actively engage with materials from most-to-least challenging in the days/week leading up to the exam.
Free yourself from test jitters
2 meditations to help you find your center before and during an exam