Getting Help
The Office of the Registrar may assist with transfer credit questions.
The Office of the Registrar may assist with transfer credit questions.
Start by gathering the necessary materials to allow for the transfer credit evaluation process.
Please be reminded that not all previously earned college credit will necessarily be applied towards the Dartmouth degree. Only courses taken for a letter grad may transfer (i.e., no Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit options permitted). A letter grade of C or higher must be earned for credit to transfer. Online courses are not transferrable.
Evaluation of transfer student transcripts and individual syllabi for each college course previously taken determines total credits awarded and the minimum number of terms of enrollment that will be necessary to complete Dartmouth degree requirements.
Students transferring to Dartmouth after their first or second years at other institutions will be allowed a maximum of 17 credits, and should be aware that depending on the number of credits approved for transfer, they may need to be in residence longer than they might have expected in order to complete their Dartmouth requirements. This may not be able to be determined until after you have arrived on campus in September.
Dartmouth students are defined by their class year. Depending on the number of credits that transfer, the Registrar designates your class year upon matriculation. Once this class year designation has been assigned, regardless of the length of time it may take for you to be graduated, it will not change.