When your list has been narrowed down to a handful or fewer, try to follow these further suggestions to make a final decision.
Step 1: Identify your major. Some things to consider if you aren't yet decided:
- What topics do you enjoy learning about?
- How do you like being evaluated in the classroom? (Papers, projects, exams, etc.)
- Opportunities within the major (Off-campus programs, research, etc.)
- Take a look at upper-level classes in a few major departments. Which classes are you most interested in taking during your time at Dartmouth?
Step 2: Go to major department website, read through the major information, & download the major worksheet (if available).
Step 3: Identify the courses you will be taking each term toward the major to the best of your ability.
- This is your BEST guess as to what classes you will complete toward your major.
- Many academic department websites have a tentative list of future courses available.
- You may also look on the ORC to find trends of when classes have been offered: http://dartmouth.smartcatalogiq.com/en/current/orc/Departments-Programs-Undergraduate.
- Choose courses you are interested in and assume they are offered in the same term each year – you can re-submit your major plan to reflect updates!
Step 4: Use The Sophomore Year guide to learn who gives pre-major advice in the department you are seeking to major in. It is always a good idea to talk to a professor about your major plan and interests within that major. https://api.dartgo.org/sophomore_guide_25
Step 5: Read through how to declare a major on the Registrar's website: http://www.dartmouth.edu/reg/guides/dartworks/declare_major_or_minor.html
- Consider the special features of each department, such as FSPs, LSAs, seminars, special research opportunities, etc.
- Make sure your D-Plan matches up with the courses you might need or want to take.
- If you still can't decide between multiple majors, you may want to consider double-majoring or doing a major and a minor.