Start Your D-Plan Planning Process Here

Your D-Plan should be the product of careful thinking and reflection: use this process to clarify your goals and the steps you will take to achieve them.

D-Plan Advising Sessions

The Undergraduate Deans Office will be holding D-Plan Advising Sessions – Details will be shared in March.


D-Plan Deadline

The deadline for submitting your D-Plan request is 4:00 pm ET on April 17, 2025.*  Begin thinking now about your D-Plan and make appointments to meet with your Undergraduate Dean and/or Faculty Advisor well in advance of the deadline.  * Students on an F-1 visa should contact the Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) regarding their D-Plan, as they are not subject to the April deadline.

Planning Documents and Resources

For additional information about specific programs and major requirements, please review:

Contact your Undergraduate Dean for advising as you explore and clarify your goals.

Arranging Your Remaining Terms at Dartmouth

Definition of a "D-Plan" = A Student's Enrollment Pattern

  • Terms enrolled on campus
  • Term(s) enrolled off-campus
  • Off/Leave terms

Your D-Plan is an agreement with the College and confirmation of where you intend to be each term.

It is important that your enrollment pattern accurately reflects your current plans at least two terms in advance.

  • If your plans change due to declaring a new major or for some other academic reason, you may reconfigure your D-Plan in the Registrar's Office.
  • All changes are subject to housing availability; anticipated full occupancy in fall term may prevent you from changing from a  Off/Leave Term to an On/Residence Term.

Submitting Your D-Plan Request

The deadline for submitting your D-Plan request is 4:00 pm ET on April 17, 2025. (Students on an F-1 visa should contact the Office of Visa and Immigration Services [OVIS] regarding their D-Plan, as they are not subject to the April deadline).

  • You will be asked to submit a D-Plan containing either an "On/R" or an "Off/L" for each term.
  • The D-Plan you submit should be confined to twelve enrolled terms.
  • You may have, at most, seven fall or spring residence (On/R) terms in total.  Therefore, your initial plan will include at least one leave (Off/L) term in the fall or spring of sophomore, junior, or senior year.
  • Your plan must include three Off/Leave terms.

Factors to Consider When Exploring D-Plan Options

  • Intended major and/or minor
  • Courses that are only offered in specific terms
  • Off-campus programs of interest
  • Internships or research opportunities
  • International students on F1 or J1 visas should visit the Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS) to explore the effects of D-Plan choices on visa status and discuss options.
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Preferred spacing of vacations
  • Family resources
  • Students typically graduate in twelve terms.

Essential Resources for Planning