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Dr. Rachele Hall, OPAL's newest leader has started her first week in the role as the Senior Assistant Dean and Director of the Office of Pluralism & Leadership. We warmly welcome Dr, Rae and can't wait to see all of the vibrant energy that she brings to the office and to the Division of Student Affairs at Dartmouth College.
Dr. Rachele Hall has served as the Interim Dean of Student Life at SUNY Westchester and has been appointed the Senior Assistant Dean and Director, Office of Pluralism and Leadership. Dr. Rae earned her Doctor of Education in Executive Leadership from St. John Fisher University. Dr. Rae's doctoral research focused on immigration and the Presidential executive order, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and its impact on Jamaican Immigrants. Dr. Rae received her Master of Science in Education Administration and Policy Studies from the University at Albany, and her Bachelor of Science in Philosophy from State University of New York at Oneonta.
Dr. Rae began her career in student affairs as a Residence Hall Director, first at SUNY Cobleskill and later at Stony Brook University. Dr. Rae transitioned into student life and engagement at SUNY Westchester in 2011 and spent the bulk of her career helping to create the department of Student Involvement into the comprehensive and meaningful educational learning environment it is today. Having served in various roles during her tenure at SUNY Westchester, Dr. Rae has been a collaborative partner, data informed decision maker and creator of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. After becoming trained as an Undocu-Ally by the Central Coast Coalition for Undocumented Student Success, Dr. Rae created a SUNY Westchester focused Undocu-Ally training open to all faculty, staff, and students.
Dr. Rae uses her privilege to serve as a social justice advocate for immigration, education reform, and food/housing insecurity. She uses theoretical frameworks such as Baxter & Magolda Self Authorship and Sanford Challenge & Support to engage, encourage, and empower her students' leaders and direct reports.
Fun Fact: Dr. Rae enjoys deep sea fishing with her dad.