Virtual Programming

Black Legacy Month 2021


Image of a raised fist surrounded by the colors red green and gold

Join us in celebrating Black Legacy Month 2021!
This year's theme is Defining a Generation: The Triumph, Power, and Legacy of Black Women.

Black Legacy Month (BLM) is the celebration and recognition of Black culture at Dartmouth College, dedicated to the education, awareness, and commemoration of Black heritage and people. At this critical moment in time, BLM allows us to acknowledge the excellence and perseverance of the Dartmouth Black Community. This year in particular, we are highlighting the oft-overlooked, yet indispensable contributions of Black Women. With the theme, "Defining a Generation: The Triumph, Power, and Legacy of Black Women" we are acknowledging the role of Black Women in the triumphant gains made in our history, the power wielded in every arena by their strength, and the legacy they've made (and continue to make) at Dartmouth College.

For event details, visit the BLM 2021 page.

visibility:2021 - Voices


Flyer for Voices 2021

Friday, February 26
7:30 pm EST

Join us for a virtual production of Voices! Written, performed, and directed by students from marginalized gender experiences, Voices moves beyond the gender binary to center narratives and people at the intersections of gender, power, violence, and resilience. 

Since 2014, Voices has provided Dartmouth students of marginalized gender identities an opportunity to write, direct, and perform their stories and experiences through various means of artistic expression.

Stay after the show for a casual Q&A with the cast, as well as an opportunity to win raffle prizes!

Want to learn more? Contact Co-Directors Marina Cepeda '21 ( or Naomi Lam '21 (

Voices is a part of Visibility:2021, Dartmouth's annual student-led campaign to promote gender equity and end gender- and power-based violence. For more information and/or accommodations, email

Queer Student Mentoring Program

QSMP Flyer 21W.png

Text on top of a white and pink background. Three icons of people inside circles connected by lines.

Looking for an opportunity to foster friendships within the LGBTQIA+ community at Dartmouth? 

Are you seeking to either learn from or mentor other students? 

Consider signing up for the Queer Student Mentoring Program (QSMP)! 

The program is currently recruiting mentors and mentees to be grouped into "families" of 3-5 students with a mix of mentors and mentees. In these families, mentees will have an opportunity to learn from a few mentors and mentors can offer guidance to multiple mentees. The time commitment is up to the discretion of the students involved and how much time you choose to be involved, although families are encouraged to meet throughout the term! Families will be matched based on personal and academic interests. Please consider filling out the sign-up form below!

>> Sign-up Form Here << 

Asian and Asian American LLC - Winter 2021


Text on top of a cream and gray background

The Asian and Asian American Living Learning Community is a space for engaging with issues specific to Asian/Asian American identity and experience. Although typically residential, this winter, the LLC will be entirely remote. It is open to students of all class years, regardless of your prior knowledge, racial identification, and whether or not you're living on campus. The LLC is not usually open to first-year students, so we highly encourage '24s to take this opportunity!
Our remote programming will include socials, discussions, a virtual common room, and other community building activities. We hope to offer a space for you to find reflection, connection, and community.
Application Questions for 21W

  1. Why are you interested in being a part of the Asian/American LLC? What do you hope to learn or gain from being part of this community?
  2. Do the terms Asian and/or Asian American feel relevant to you and your experiences? How did you first come to know about and/or adopt this identity?
  3. What are examples of remote programming that you've enjoyed in the past few terms? How would you like to see these, or new ideas, implemented in LLC programming?

Email your application answers to to apply!

Staff Advisor:
Student Coordinator: 

Asian American Student Mentoring Program


Light blue and red flowers on top of a dark blue background

The Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL) is excited to offer the Asian/American Student Mentoring Program (AAMP)! Students will be placed in mentoring groups of at least 2 mentors and 2 mentees. Mentoring groups are encouraged to meet informally on a virtual platform and as often as the group would like. In addition to mentoring groups, students from all OPAL Mentoring Programs will be invited to virtual socials and community-specific discussions and events.
If you're interested in being a mentor (second years and above) or mentee (first years only), please sign up at
Applications for AAMP will continue to be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Sign up for the LGBTQIA+ Listserv

Be the first to get notified about any up and coming events in the LGBTQIA+ community!

How to join:

  1. Click THIS LINK.
  2. Use with your Dartmouth email (or NetID) and password to log in to Listserv.
  3. Click the menu symbol (usually found in the upper right corner of the site) and choose SUBSCRIBE.
  4. Wait for amazing emails!


Look up the Listserv and then type 'LGBTQIA+' into the search bar!
Listerv website:

For any questions, please contact