Endorsement on Behalf of LLC Live-In Advisor Applicant

The person who has requested your endorsement is applying to serve as an LLC Live-In Advisor in one of Dartmouth’s Living Learning Communities in the upcoming academic year. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. If you have any questions, please call 603-646-1491.

Fields marked with a * are required.

Endorser Information
Applicant full name
I endorse this applicant to be an LLC Live-In Advisor. I believe that the applicant can remain successful in their main pursuits at Dartmouth while also performing this job. I certify that the applicant has not had any judicial issues and that the program/department thinks this candidate is a good fit for the LLC Live-In Advisor role.
Please feel free to add comments, if you would like.
  • Applicants must be completing at least their first year at Dartmouth by June of this year to be eligible for consideration unless they receive express permission from their academic program or department of employment.
  • This applicant will be in their first year of their main pursuit at Dartmouth and I give my express permission for them to take on this job in their first year.
  • If this applicant will be in their first year, please select Yes or No to giving your express permission.
  • If this applicant will not be in their first year, please select N/A to this statement.
Please feel free to add comments, if you would like.
Typing your full name in this text box will serve as a digital signature.

You will receive an email copy of your endorsement upon successful submission. If you do not see it right away, please check your spam or junk folder.