The exterior of the Foley House at 20 West Street.
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Foley House strives to be the healthiest, most stimulating and engaging residential environment on the Dartmouth campus.
Foley House is a non-exclusive, co-ed household where all residents share responsibilities and decision-making. By cooking and eating together and sharing household chores, a bank account, a phone line and a television, Foley House residents form important lasting relationships. Residents participate in the planning and preparing of meals and activities and are responsible for the general upkeep of the facility. Residents intellectually engage with each other and people representing a broad swath of the academic and artistic communities at Dartmouth by inviting faculty, staff, artists and campus guests to participate in Foley House dinners.
Foley House is not a membership organization. Residents and non-residents alike can be members of the Foley House community. Everyone is welcome to join for a meal!
Each term it is expected that a resident:
It is important to recognize that cooking meals together may mean that residents need to be willing to cook with a variety of ingredients including meat, vegetables, spices, gluten, etc. Dietary restrictions and preferences will be discussed as a group at the beginning of each term, and residents need to be aware that food is prepared and shared as a house. Foley House is a gender inclusive community and rooms may be assigned without regard to gender.
Foley Termly Meals Payment Option:
(Invoice Number: FoleyHouse Description: Last Name + Foley Meals + Term & Year)
Foley House is located at 20 West Street. View floor plans on the website of the Office of Residential Life.