As part of it's commitment to creating a more diverse and equitable community, Dartmouth supports students, staff, and faculty in observing religious holidays of significance to them. In the complex process of creating the academic calendar, religious holy days are but one of many considerations. The College has always been helpful in facilitating communication and encouraging respect and understanding when there are academic calendar conflicts with religious holy days.
Students who wish to participate in religious observances during the academic term that conflicts with their participation in a course, should contact their professor before the end of the second week of the term—at the latest - to discuss appropriate accommodations.
To assist with calendar planning and awareness of our diverse religious and spiritual community, this page contains month-by-month listings of religious observances in 2024 and 2025. The list represents holy days which may impact campus events in general, as well as student course attendance, exams, Commencement, and participation in activities in the coming year.
Tucker has also created a shorter list of holy days that require work or other restrictions for those who observe them. To assist offices and departments across Dartmouth to respectfully plan meetings and events that avoid these dates whenever possible, please use the following file as a guide: 2024-2025 Holy Days with Work or Other Restrictions
* Some holy days (*) start at sundown of the evening of the listed start date and end at sundown or nightfall of the concluding listed date.
# Some of these dates are not fixed to a calendar but based on the actual sighting of the moon and therefore there may be some variance by a day.
For additional information, please contact The Tucker Center: 603-646-3870 or
Wondering if Tucker Center has local event information for an upcoming holy holiday? Find out via email ( or Instagram (@tuckerdartmouth).