Current Graduate Fellows
Brian Galaviz Sarmiento
Research Mentors: Kristina Godek and Duane Compton, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Brian Galaviz Sarmiento is a graduate student at Dartmouth's Molecular & Cellular Biology graduate program and a E.E. Just Liftoff Fellow. He was born in Mexico and moved to California, where he obtained his bachelor's in Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of California Santa Barbara. His interest in cell biology and developmental biology carried over to his graduate work under Kristina Godek and Duanae Compton. In their lab, Brian studies the mechanism of erroneous chromosome segregation during early human development. Using human pluripotent stem cells as a model of early development, Brian comparares stem cell's cell division to that of somatic cells using quantitative microscopy with the goal to identify differences between the two that explain erroneous cell division in early development.
Miriam Janssen
Research Mentor: Matthijs van der Meer, Psychological & Brain Sciences

Miriam Janssen (she/her) is a second-year graduate researcher in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department at Dartmouth College. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor's in economics and bioengineering. During her post-baccalaureate she worked at the National Institute of Mental Health in Dr. Bruno Averbeck's Section on Learning and Decision-Making. Currently, she works in Dr. Matthijs van der Meer's laboratory to investigate potential coupling between memory replay and reward-teaching signals in the brain using electrophysiology and fiber photometry techniques. She is broadly interested in learning, memory, and value-based decision-making.
Rayna Rampalli
Research Mentor: Elisabeth Newton, Physics & Astronomy

Born and raised in California, Rayna (she/her) is a second-year graduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Dartmouth. She graduated from Wellesley College with a bachelor's in astrophysics and spent two years doing astronomy research through Columbia University's Bridge to the Ph.D. Program in STEM. With Prof. Elisabeth Newton, she uses stars as tools to understand the evolution of planets and our own Milky Way. Rayna is committed to making science more inclusive and accessible for undergraduates and is excited to engage in this effort as an E.E. Just Graduate Fellow.
Jannitta Yao
Research Mentor: C. Brenhin Keller, EARS

Jannitta Yao (she/her) is an Earth Science Ph.D. student at Dartmouth studying the geochemical evolution of Earth's continents with Professor Brenhin Keller. Prior to Dartmouth, Jannitta obtained a B.A. in Geosciences and Computer Science from Wellesley College. Jannitta is excited to join the E.E. Just community as a Graduate Fellow and is committed to increasing representation and accessibility in STEM at Dartmouth.