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SIBs is a one-on-one mentoring program that pairs Dartmouth students with youth ages 6-12 who attend one of our partner schools. Mentees are recommended by school counselors as students who would benefit from close mentoring. Pairs develop relationships by regularly spending time together participating in various activities around the Upper Valley.
Time Commitment: At least two hours/week for four or more on-campus terms.
Setting: Around the Upper Valley
Group or One-on-One: One-on-One
Population supported: Youth ages 6-12
Special Requirements for Involvement:
Application: Please apply by January 17 at 3pm, using this online SIBs application. Note: If accepted, you will need to be background-checked by the school district of your Little Sib. This process can take a month, so you should anticipate starting to meet with your Little by the middle or end of the term.
Contact: SIBS