Social and Affective Motivations in Decision-Making
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
A Social Impact Practicum (SIP) is a project-based experiential learning opportunity connecting undergraduate courses at Dartmouth with community needs identified by nonprofit organizations throughout the Upper Valley.
Details about the specific projects and community partners associated with each SIP course can be found below.
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: Luke Chang
SIP Project Number: 113_19-20
Analyzing why attendance has been low at DHMC's quarterly art shows (and what could be done differently to engage more people).
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: Luke Chang
SIP Project Number: 12_19-20
Exploring how best to educate the public about proper waste removal, what is/is not recyclable, and what happens when items are mis-allocated.
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: Luke Chang
SIP Project Number: 41_19-20
Proposing creative solutions to how the AVA art gallery can support the new (younger, more digital) creative economy of the Upper Valley.
Course PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 53.10
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: Social Impact Nonprofit Consulting (SINC)
Staff Adviser Email: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project(s): 43_CRC_22-23 and 62_WCSHC_22-23
(43) Develop a series of recreational itineraries on the Connecticut River integrating water activities with the broader UV business and tourism economy;
(62) Codify resources for aging in place and propose innovative technologies to enhance end of life care and support in alignment with Vermont Act 156.
Student Group: Social Impact Nonprofit Consulting (SINC) Student Group
Staff Advisor: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project(s): 11_Bugbee_22-23; 31_DHMC-ATTAIN_22-23; 49_UVTA_22-23; 81_MoonAndStars_22-23
(11) Consult on innovative and emergent programmatic opportunities for active-yet-aging adults in the Upper Valley; (31) Research the intersectional experience of patients who are autistic or neurodivergent, non-binary or gender-expansive, and may have experienced trauma and mental health challenges; (49) Develop and implement strategies to recruit new and sustaining members of the Upper Valley Trails Alliance; (81) Visually convey the full cost of Moon and Stars' sustainable and fair-trade supply chain to current and future consumers.
Student Group: Social Impact Nonprofit Consulting (SINC) Student Group
Staff Advisor: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project(s): 69_Dismas_22-23; 45_WISE_22-23; 4_WildGoosePlayers_22-23
Research and consult on which Vermont town(s) would be best suited to supporting a fourth Dismas House (Dismas); Expand access and advocacy for non-English speakers in the Upper Valley by determining in what other languages, on what kinds of platforms, and in what kinds of formats survivor support content should be developed next (WISE); Recommend one or more development strategies to support and advance the financial profile of the Wild Goose Players organization more effectively (Wild Goose Players).
Course: SOCY 11
Professor Email: Kimberly Rogers
SIP Project: 21_COVER_22-23 /
(22) Measure and improve upon how well COVER is building community through its model of reciprocal home-repair exchange between the homeowner and volunteer.
Course: SOCY 35
Professor Email: Jason Houle
SIP Project Number: 121_19-20
Connecting with the 99 Faces exhibit and creating a response piece about the current and evolving stigma associated with mental illness.
Course: SPAN 3
Professor Email: Kianny Antigua
SIP Project Number: 66_WISE_21-22
Translate current WISE brochure on Sexual Violence into Spanish to expand access, advocacy, and support for non-English speakers in the Upper Valley.
Course: SPAN 3
Professor Email: Kianny Antigua
SIP Project Number: 66_WISE_21-22
Translate current WISE brochure on Domestic Violence into Spanish to expand access, advocacy, and support for non-English speakers in the Upper Valley.
Course: SPAN 55.14
Professor: Sebastian Diaz
SIP Project Number: XX_AlohaFoundation_24-25
Providing ongoing and sustainable resources, curriculum, and tools to support the learning and training of Spanish-speaking workers.
Course: EDUC 56
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Creating programming concepts via curriculum for children ages 9-14.
Course: EDUC 56
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Developing ecological guides/lesson plans for classroom and field-based Valley Quest sessions with local elementary and middle school students.
Course: EDUC 56
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: EDUC 56
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: EDUC 46
Professor Email: Dave Kraemer
SIP Project Number: 42_19-20
Developing professional development curriculum merging experiential and arts -based ways for students to engage with STEAM concepts.
Course: EDUC 56
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 81.09
Professor Email: Jeremy Manning
Understanding data related to local supporters of land conservation to better direct UVLT's outreach and efficacy.
Course: PSYCH 81.09
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYC 81.09
Professor Email: Jeremy Manning
SIP Project Number: 47_VT-DOH_21-22
Analyze health equity data to better understand social determinants of health and disease across the state of Vermont.
Course: PSYC 81.09
Professor: Jeremy Manning
SIP Project Number: 37_ClimateInteractive_23-24
Analyze public and private datasets to better understand the impacts of societal policy and scientific innovation on climate change and environmental health.
Course: ENGS 44
Professor Email: Karol Kawiaka
SIP Project Number: 135_19-20
A life-cycle analysis of Habitat's housing materials to minimize the costs to homeowners while maximizing house longevity.
Course: ENGS 44
Professor Email: Karol Kawiaka
SIP Project Number: 136_19-20
Consulting on cost-efficient home designs that maximize accessibility for homeowners as they age.
Course: ENGS 44
Professor Email: Karol Kawiaka
SIP Project Number: 108_21-22
Design solar house arhcitectural options for Upper Valley Habitat for Humanity homes and exploring possibilities to enter the U.S Department of Energy's 2023 Solar Decathlon.
Course: ENGS 44
Professor Email: Karol Kawiaka
SIP Project: 65_Habitat_22-23
Build a sustainable and cost-effective house for Upper Valley Habitat and use the prototype to enter the U.S. Department of Energy's 2023 Solar Decathlon
Course: ENGS 44
Professor: Karol Kawiaka
SIP Project Number: 106_TRORC_23-24; 120_TwinPines_23-24
Consult on how Hartford could deppen housing access by converting larger homes with unused space into a duplex that still creates a sense of privacy for homeowners sharing the land (106); Design and apply sustainability approaches for closed loop systems addressing the intersection of climate change and housing architecture in the Upper Valley (120).
Course: SPAN 43.06
Professor Email: Noelia Cirnigliaro
SIP Project Number: 88_OpenDoor_18-19
Explore Tango's connection to political resistance alongside community building with a special emphasis on the enhanced sense of connection and well-being that can occur for patients with Parkinson's Disease through movement.
**Press: "Tango Class Holds Promise for Parkinson's Patients" (Valley News: 7/26/19)
Course: SPAN 43.06
Professor Email: Noelia Cirnigliaro
SIP Project Number: 92_Osher_21-22
Share a digital window into the history and poetry of Tango through discussions and a culminating live-streamed Tango quartet.
Course: SPAN 43.06
Professor: Noelia Cirnigliaro
SIP Project Number: 108_DHMC-Arts_23-24
Explore Tango's connection to community building with a special emphasis on the enhanced sense of connection and well-being that can occur for patients with Parkinson's Disease through movement.
Course: ENGL 53.04
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: COLT 70.05
Professor Email: Damiano Benvegnu
SIP Project Number: 195_19-20
Documenting the synergistic relationship between land conservation and the storytelling that cinematography especially can provide.
Course: ANTH 64
Professor Email: Zane Thayer
SIP Project Number: N/A
Educating the community on grandparents-as-parents in addition to sustainable ways to provide menstrual products to local women living in poverty.
Course: ANTH 64
Professor Email: Zane Thayer
SIP Project Number: N/A
Determining strategies to address the long term health impacts of adverse childhood experiences.
Course: ANTH 64
Professor Email: Zane Thayer
SIP Project Number: N/A
Creating a prenatal information book for expecting mothers.
Course: ANTH 64
Professor Email: Zane Thayer
SIP Project Number: N/A
Working alongside doctors at Geisel Medical School to support curriculum development on a prenatal health intervention for/with mothers in Honduras.
Course: ANTH 64
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: BIOL
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: GEOG 56
Professor Email: Xun Shi
SIP Project Number: 8_20-21
Create a portfolio of New Hampshire and Vermont maps to illustrate the geographic distribution of tobacco use by county in relation to social health determinants, rurality, marijuana use, and/or other health risk factors.
Course: GEOG 50
Professor Email: Xun Shi
SIP Project Number: N/A
Mapping confounding factors associated with the spread of hrHPV in Honduras, part 1.
Course: GEOG 56
Professor Email: Xun Shi
SIP Project Number: N/A
Mapping confounding factors associated with the spread of hrHPV in Honduras, part 2.
Course: THEA 10.55
Professor: Monica Ndounou
SIP Project Number: 115_AAMPA_23-24
Support the processes for preserving, curating, and exhibiting culture in institutions, examining how museum concepts intersect and/or collide with representations of Black history, culture and communities in collaboration with the new African American Museum of Performing Arts (AAMPA) in Chicago.
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: Melody Brown Burkins
SIP Project Number: 10_21-21
Develop a short educational video that offers tips for supporting family members and friends in quitting tobacco.
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: Melody Brown Burkins
SIP Project Number: 5_20-21
Identify barriers and propose solutions to current legislative policies regarding individuals with a criminal record crossing the NH/VT border to find employment or access vital health services.
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: Melody Brown Burkins
SIP Project Number: N/A
A public policy brief educating the public about the disproportionate impact that climate change has on historic buildings and communities.
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: Melody Brown Burkins
SIP Project Number: N/A
Building local momentum around tires, plastic, or polystyrene policy around docks in NH in support of CRC's current efforts working on Extended Producer Responsibility policy in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Course: ENVS 80.08
Professor Email: Melody Brown Burkins
SIP Project Number: N/A
Connecting the social impact of campus research to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Course: SOCY 65
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SOCY 65
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SOCY 65
Professor Email: Kim Rogers
SIP Project Number: 178_19-20
Assessing how WISE can most effectively support survivors during and after they appear in court.
Course: SOCY 65
Professor Email: Kim Rogers
SIP Project Number: 46_19-20
Assessing the Haven's longitudinal impact on generational poverty and exploring the ideal "dose"/length of engagement.
Course: SOCY 11
Professor Email: Kim Rogers
SIP Project Number: 46_19-20
Assessing the Haven's longitudinal impact on generational poverty and exploring the ideal "dose"/length of engagement.
Course: SOCY 65
Professor: Kimberly Rogers
SIP Project: 68_SufferingTheSilence_23-24; 98_WISE_23-24
Create a podcast or story series centered on individuals who communicate differently due to disability or diagnoses (65); Create a digital teaching tool to explore the intersection of identities and the various forms the Power and Control wheel of abuse can take as a result (98).
Course: CLST 2
Professor Email: Simone Oppen
SIP Project Number: 25_20-21
Engage in a virtual collaborative dramatic reading of Aeschylus' Persae exploring themes of law, community and justice alongside local high school students
Course: Tuck Community Consulting
Professor Email: Jane Lee
SIP Project Number: 138_19-20
A Return on Investment (ROI) report on the work of CHaD's fundraising and impact to determine the most effective use of staff time and investment.
Course: Tuck Community Consulting
Professor Email: Jane Lee
SIP Project Number: 71_19-20
Conducting focus groups to qualitatively explore the barriers that may exist with respect to physician referrals to GNHCs.
Course: Tuck Community Consulting
Professor Email: Jane Lee
SIP Project Number: 34_19-20
Designing a business plan exploring revenue-generating options that both financially support UVHS and simultaneously contribute to the needs of other local shelters in the process.
Course: Tuck Community Consulting
Professor Email: Jane Lee
SIP Project Number: 25_19-20
Re-branding support and patient journey mapping to demonstrate impact and affective resonance for the work of Headrest.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Staff: Henry Do Rosario
SIP Project Number: 21_CRC_23-24
Support research for the new House Bill 253 exploring extended producer responsibility across single use plastics as well as other materials (21);
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 63_20-21
Design a campaign of engagement strategies to combat isolation and "pandemic fatigue"
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Tracy Dustin-Eichler
SIP Project Number: 49_20-21
Review the Ottauquechee Health Foundation's internal processes and identify gaps in services to patients
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number: 43_20-21
Explore how the Upper Valley Land Trust can engage with/take into account the wisdom of the Abenaki people and other indigenous populations in their conservation efforts
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 110_19-20
Supporting the Sullivan county schools alongside VCDP staff to educate about the long-term impact on educational equity in using restorative justice practices with students as opposed to punitive ones.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 83_19-20
Research and programming to re-envision what it looks like for Lebanon to celebrate and educate across sectors (education, law enforcement, government) about the value of diversity in the Upper Valley.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 83_19-20
Research and programming to re-envision what it looks like for Lebanon to celebrate and educate across sectors (education, law enforcement, government) about the value of diversity in the Upper Valley.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 110_19-20
Supporting the Sullivan county schools alongside VCDP staff to educate about the long-term impact on educational equity in using restorative justice practices with students as opposed to punitive ones.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 110_19-20
Supporting the Sullivan county schools alongside VCDP staff to educate about the long-term impact on educational equity in using restorative justice practices with students as opposed to punitive ones.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 83_19-20
Research and programming to re-envision what it looks like for Lebanon to celebrate and educate across sectors (education, law enforcement, government) about the value of diversity in the Upper Valley.
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Tracy Dustin-Eichler
SIP Project Number: 53_20-21
Document and map WISE's 50-year trajectory working to end gender-based violence alongside the historical context of both the United States and the Upper Valley
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Seth Arico
SIP Project Number: 22_20-21
Research what the Animal Welfare and Sheltering industry is currently doing to be antiracist and what additionally can be done to dismantle inequities in both labor and leadership
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Leah Torrey
SIP Project Number: 13_20-21
Determine if/how to formally integrate new volunteer positions that have evolved in the wake of COVID19 into Senior Solutions' permanent model
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Tracy Dustin-Eichler
SIP Project Number: 51_20-21
Develop a strategic social media plan to help the Ottauquechee Health Foundation share information and resources with current and prospective patients
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Tracy Dustin-Eichler
SIP Project Number: 83_20-21
Design a targeted marketing plan to recruit and retain more Dartmouth student volunteers for the varied work that COVER does on homes and with residents of the Upper Valley
Course: Class of '82 UVCI Fellowship
Professor Email: Seth Arico
SIP Project Number: 20_20-21
Create a way for the Upper Valley Humane Society (UVHS) to convey to stakeholders what it looks/feels like to be on the front line of animal welfare and social justice for animals
Course: GEOG 57
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENGL 52.17
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Designing an interactive display at the Norwich Public library to re-envision classic fairytales for the current generation of young readers.
Course: ENGL 52.17
Professor Email: Christie Harner
SIP Project Number: 61_20-21
Create a digital library installation reflecting on what it means for the imagination to exist in play, what it means to be "at home" in this historical moment, and how to support one's community via literature.
Course: ENGL 52.17
Professor: Christie Harner
SIP Project Number: 104_HartfordLibrary_23-24
Design a series of community engagement events at the Hartford Public library to re-envision classic fairytales for the current generation of young readers.
Course: PBPL 41
Professor Email: Julie Kalish
SIP Project: 80_V4A_22-23
Develop communication tools around unintended aspects of ageism in public policy and/or public attitudes that impact those working to address the needs of older Vermonters and their families.
Course: PBPL 41
Professor: Julie Kalish
SIP Project Number: TBD