Introduction to Public Policy Research
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
A Social Impact Practicum (SIP) is a project-based experiential learning opportunity connecting undergraduate courses at Dartmouth with community needs identified by nonprofit organizations throughout the Upper Valley.
Details about the specific projects and community partners associated with each SIP course can be found below.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: 200_19-20
Grant: Upgrade outdated technology systems to improve efficiency, reporting, guest support, and volunteer management.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: 29_19-20
Grant: Safety Cameras for Low-Intensity Residential Treatment Facility.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: 27_19-20
Grant: Headrest's 24/7 Crisis Hotline.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: 73_19-20
Grant: New dental chairs for the Red Logan Dental Clinic.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: 20_19-20
Grant: Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project(s): 6_WildGoosePlayers_22-23 / 17_ScotlandHouse_22-23 / 20_DHMC-Arts_22-23 / 36_FairleePublicLibrary_22-23 / 51_UVTA_22-23
Identify and craft a grant proposal supporting:
(6) The production costs of an upcoming satirical musical comedy performance being staged in March 2023;
(17) The general operations costs for Scotland House's adult day care facility as they build towards full capacity in the wake of COVID;
(20) The Creative Arts team including the literary artist, the visual artist, and the therapeutic harpist in support of hospital rehabilitation and palliative care.
(36) A largescale building renovation enhancing accessibility, capacity and sustainability for the Fairlee Public Library.
(50) A transition UVTA's Passport to Winter Fun program to an online platform.
Course: PBPL 45
Professor: Kristin Smith
SIP Project Number: 7_Bugbee_23-24; 63_SpaceOnMain_23-24; 87_VNH_23-24; 105_MansfieldCoop_23-24
Identify funding for a grant to support the Meals on Wheels program through Bugbee Senior Center which addresses both hunger and social isolation (7); Create a template sponsorship package for prospective supporters of The Space on Main (63); Write a grant supporting the home health care services offered by VNH broadly in the form of unrestricted funds or for a particular area such as their maternal child health program (87); Identify and write a grant supporting the interdisciplinary and experiential pedagogy that defines Mansfield Cooperative and the middle school students who attend there (105).
Course: PSYC 11
Professor: Jeremy Manning
SIP Project Number: 102_WindhamAging_23-24
Design a way to leverage technology and AI in innovative and sustainable ways to support the increasing numbers of aging adults in Vermont.
Course: PBS 11
Professor Email: Kimberly Rose Clark
SIP Project Number: 18_20-21
Propose space modifications and design/flow insight targeted toward improving staff culture at the Upper Valley Humane Society.
Course: PBS 11
Professor Email: Kimberly Rose Clark
SIP Project Number: 56_20-21
Propose a new layout for the Norwich Public Library that enhances patrons' user experience and increases their engagement with library materials.
Course: PSYC 11
Professor Email: K. Rose Clark
SIP Project Number: 17_WCSU_21-22
Design a way to use the physical space inside the Woodstock school(s) to greater educational effect.
Course: PSYC 11
Professor Email: K. Rose Clark
SIP Project Number: 24_Haven_21-22
Evaluate the spatial movement of clients through the shelter to maximize efficiency while maintaining psychological safety.
Course: SPAN 15
Professor: Kianny Antigua
SIP Project Number: 78_TheCollaborative_23-24
Translate youth substance use and abuse program materials into Spanish to increase accessibility and health equity.
Course: SPAN 15
Professor Email: Kianny Antigua
SIP Project Number: 78_WISE_22-23
Translate current WISE information cards on various topics related to sexual and gender-based violence into Spanish to expand access, advocacy, and support for non-English speakers in the Upper Valley.
Course: PBL 51
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PBPL 51
Professor: Julie Kalish
SIP Project Number: 93_VT-DOH_23-24
Consult on the sustainability and efficacy of Hartland's "Neighborhood Captain Project" providing aging Vermonters with social, home, and emergency preparedness support.
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
**Press: "Students Learn About the Hard Choices in Philanthropy" (Dartmouth News; 05/29/2019)
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
**Press: "Students Learn About the Hard Choices in Philanthropy" (Dartmouth News; 05/29/2019)
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
**Press: "Students Learn About the Hard Choices in Philanthropy" (Dartmouth News: 05/29/2019)
Course: PBPL 51
Professor Email: Ron Shaiko
SIP Project Number: N/A
Engaging in active philanthropy through the Philantrhopy Lab which provided the class with $40,000 to distribute to up to 8 Upper Valley nonprofit organizations.
**Press: "Students Learn About the Hard Choices of Philanthropy" (Dartmouth News; 05/59/2019)
Course: PSYC 54.08
Professor Email: John Jordon
SIP Project Number: 22_Dismas_21-22
Create a way to increase financial and volunteer support for the work that Dismas of Vermont is doing to create a more "just, safe, and productive Vermont".
Course: PSYC 54.08
Professor Email: John Jordon
SIP Project Number: 61_Hanover-DLibrary_21-22
Increase participant volunteers stewarding the Old Dartmouth Cemetery and help conserve gravestones as an act of both care and historic preservation.
Press: "Keeping History Alive...In a Cemetery" (Dartmouth Communications: 11/29/21)
Course: PSYC 54.08
Professor Email: John Jordon
SIP Project Number: 84_COVER_21-22
Recruit new volunteers to complete one or more home repair or weatherization project in late Fall.
Course: PSYCH 54.08
Professor Email: John Jordon
SIP Project(s): 23_COVER_22-23 / 42_SeniorSolutions_22-23
(23) Recruit sustained student volunteers to complete one or more home repair or weatherization projects for low-income residents of the Upper Valley.
(42) Coordinate a cadre of volunteers providing various forms of respite for caregivers of patients with dementia.
Course: PSYC 54.08
Professor: John Jordan
SIP Project Number: 11_AlzheimersAssociation_23-24; 89_VNH_23-24
Research and strategize to re-launch the "Memory Café", a student-supported social group for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and their families (11); Advocate and collect signatures at voting sites in November in support of keeping VNH home health care services on the town ballot across VT and NH (89)
Course: PSYCH 54.06
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Collecting life histories and recording memories with patients who have dementia or Alzheimer's.
Course: PSYCH 54.06
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Collecting life histories and recording memories with patients who have dementia or Alzheimer's.
Course: PSYCH 54.06
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: PSYCH 54.06
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: LATS 37
Professor Email: Israel Reyes
SIP Project Number: 102_21-22
Develop and stage a community-led performance of bilingual oral histories based on the first-hand accounts of the migrant dairy farmworkers who live in the Upper Valley.
Course: LATS 37
Professor Email: Douglas Moody
SIP Project: 82_MigrantJustice_22-23
Providing ongoing and sustainable resources, curriculum, and tools to support the learning and legal rights of undocumented farm workers.
Course: LATS 37
Professor: Doug Moody
SIP Project Number: 116_MigrantJustice_23-24
Providing ongoing and sustainable resources, curriculum, and tools to support the learning and legal rights of undocumented farm workers.
Course: LATS 37
Professor Email: Doug Moody
SIP Project Number: N/A
Providing resources, curriculum, and tools to support the learning and legal rights of undocumented farm workers.
Course: LATS 37
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: LATS 37
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: QSS 20
Professor Email: Rebecca Ann Johnson
SIP Project Number: 79_20-21
Summarize and visualize key trends on migrant job postings collected by the Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Association (TRLA) to more deeply support legal outreach aimed at protecting workers' rights.
**Press: "Students Inspired by QSS as a Tool for Social Change" (Dartmouth News: 8/5/2021) ; "Meet the Winners of Our Summer Data Equity Challenge"(Department of Labor (DOL) Tweet: 05/26/2021)
Course: QSS 20
Professor Email: Jaren Haber
SIP Project: 47_UNH-START_22-23
Analyze initial medical student training data regarding best practices for prescribers of patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to inform future iterations.
Course: QSS 20
Professor Email: Rebecca Ann Johnson
SIP Project Number(s): 72_UNH-START; 73_UNH-START
72-Evaluate how variables related to well-being correlate with crisis outcomes for individuals living with disabilities, specifically the way COVID-19 impacted suicidal ideation and interactions with law enforcement.
73-Analyze diagnostic data to explore the link between healthcare referrals for individuals living with disabilities and personal trauma histories, specifically using text analysis to uncover demographic and regional differences in family caregiver experiences.
Course: QSS 20
Professor: Herbert Chang
SIP Project Number: 66_UNH-START_23-24
Analyze ongoing medical student training data regarding best practices for prescribers of patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to inform future iterations.
Course: QSS 20
Professor Email: Jaren Haber
SIP Project: 76_UNH-START_22-23
Build on previous student analyses regarding best practices for prescribers of patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to inform subsequent iterations.
Course: QSS 20
Professor: Herbert Chang
SIP Project Number: 43_NHAS_23-24
Analyze survey data to better meet the socioeconomic diversity in the scientific community throughout the Upper Valley.
Course: PSYCH 50.09
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: COLT 49.07
Professor Email: Yuliya Komska
SIP Project Number: 66_WISE_21-22
Expand access and advocacy for non-English speakers in the Upper Valley by determining in what other languages, on what kinds of platforms and in what kinds of formats survivor support content should be developed next.
Course: ENVS 72
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 72
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 72
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 72
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 72
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: ENVS 7.17 (Section 1)
Professor: Morgan Peach
SIP Project Number: 22_CRC_23-24
Research a plausible freshwater mussel restoration program to repopulate their diminished presence locally and thereby improve water quality and health.
Course: ENVS 7.17 (Section 1)
Professor: Morgan Peach
SIP Project Number: 22_CRC_23-24
Research a plausible freshwater mussel restoration program to repopulate their diminished presence locally and thereby improve water quality and health.
Course: ENGL 52.18
Professor Email: Christie Harner
SIP Project Number: Create a reading exchange with local high school students to better understand nineteenth-century reading practices and the creation of "community" across time.
Course: PSYC 54.05
Professor Email: Kimberly Rose Clark
SIP Project(s): 5_WildGoosePlayers_22-23 / 9_LISTEN_22-23 / 19_ScotlandHouse_22-23
(5) Design and implement a more targeted piece of promotional material that effectively conveys the mission of the organization while eliciting financial and patron support.
(9) Visualize the holistic impact (economic, familial, criminal, mental health, physical) of preventing eviction.
(19) Design an effective and engaging Annual Appeal brochure to increase fundraising efforts and organizational impact.
Course: PSYC 54.05
Professor: Kimberly Rose Clark
SIP Project Number: 13_AlzheimersAssociation_23-24; 24_FairleePublicLibrary_23-24; 35_GNHC_23-24
Design a brochure targeted toward caregivers highlighting the earliest warning signs of Alzheimer's (13); Design a new website for the Fairlee Public Library that is intuitive and easy accessible to patrons (24); Design an updated trifold brochure that shares the impact of Good Neighbor Health Clinics and what services are provided to the community (35).
Course: PSYCH 80.04
Professor Email: Ann Clark
SIP Project Number: 199_19-20
Researching evidence-based practices in curriculum and pedagogy for school-aged youth regarding obesity and its related health consequences.
Course: SPEE 26
Professor Email: Svetlana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 30_HARP_21-22
Design a publication for families and interested community members to learn more about the work and impact of HARP.
Course: SPEE 26
Professor Email: Svetlana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 2_LMT_21-22
Propose a social media plan for Loving Moms Together that effectively communicates their value-add to stakeholders.
Course: SPEE 26
Professor Email: Svetlana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 11_GNHC_21-22
Design a visual campaign emphasizing GNHC's free healthcare services that is targeted specifically to Millenials employed in food service and/or hospitality.
Course: SPEE 36
Professor Email: Svetlana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 38_CircleProgram_21-22
Create an impact statement documenting the effect of nature therapy on adolescent mental health and well-being.
Course: SPEE 36
Professor Email: Svetlana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 44_CRC_21-22
Design a means of educating the public about Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act to ensure informed feedback for the current relicensing of three major hydro-electric projects.
Course: SPEE 36
Professor: Svetlana "Yana" Grushina
SIP Project Number: 9_AVA_23-24; 26_FairleePublicLibrary_23-24; 61_SpaceOnMain_23-24
Design a communications strategy to more effectively convey who AVA is and what they offer to community members through their gallery and programs (9); Design a social media campaign that increases viewership and highlights the resources, programs, and services offered by the Fairlee Public Library (26); Design a way for the Space on Main to effectively communicate their impact as a location of broad care and community-building (61).
Course: PSYC 84.08
Professor: John Jordan
SIP Project Number: 51_OHF_23-24
Consult on the process and practicalities surrounding sustainable and effective volunteer recruitment for the Ottauquechee Health Foundation.
Course: NAIS 8
Professor: Matt Hooley
SIP Project Number: 84_WordsWithoutBorders_23-24
Explore visiting scholar/poet Joan Naviyuk Kane (Inupiaq)'s use of writing and art as practices of restoration, relationship, community remembering, and care.
Course: LACS 8
Professor: Jorge Cuellar
SIP Project Number: 109_Bennington_23-24
Build on course themes experientially through visual art and direct dialogue with diasporic Central American artists on exhibit at Bennington College to respond to complex questions of history, memory, and identity formation.
Course: Primary Care Progress
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Updated research regarding new parent challenges, opiate addiction, parent/child bonding, early literacy and infant development during months 0-6.
Course: Primary Care Progress
SIP Project Number: 183_19-20
Culturally relevant heath messaging around HIV and teen pregnancy for youth in Liberia.
Course: Primary Care Progress
Updating research regarding new parent challenges, opiate addiction, parent/child bonding, early literacy and infant development during months 0-6.
Student Group: Primary Care Progress
Staff Adviser Email: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number(s): 31_DHMC-ATTAIN_22-23; 59_EqualizeHealth_22-23
Research the intersectional experience of patients who are autistic or neurodivergent, non-binary or gender-expansive, and may have experienced trauma and mental health challenges (31).
Research and document the technological landscape associated with neonatal incubators, jaundice diagnostics or delivery extraction devices in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) (59).
Student Group: Primary Care Progress
Staff Adviser Email: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number: 68_LISTEN_21-22
Demonstrate the connection between addressing basic needs, social determinants of health, and generational poverty alleviation.
Student Group: Primary Care Progress
Staff Advisor: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number: 12_AlzheimersAssociation_23-24
Research the differential impacts and health outcomes that Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia have on rural populations.
Student Group: Primary Care Progress
Staff Adviser Email: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number(s): 67_Dismas_22-23
Compile a guide of best practices for managing group dynamics when individuals are in recovery from addiction.
Student Group: Primary Care Progress
Staff Advisor: Ashley Doolittle
SIP Project Number: TBD
Course: ENGS 75
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 40_20-21
Create marketing materials for the Climate Leadership Academy to highlight the program's impact for prospective participants.
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 54_20-21
Create effective advocacy materials to be shared on social media for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) and Sexual Violence Awareness Month (April).
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
Supporting legislative framing around access to oral health care and issues surrounding food security in the Upper Valley.
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
Supporting legislative framing around access to oral health care and issues surrounding food security in the Upper Valley.
Course: SPEE 20_1
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Storytelling/Writing showcasing VCDP, its mission and the ability for people of all ages to request court diversion.
Course: SPEE 20_1
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Guest blogging for the VINS website or newsletter (with topics already identified such as the importance of getting kids outside, etc.).
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
Storytelling with The Family Place: The people who make it such an effective and holistic parent-child center serving both Vermont and New Hampshire.
Course: SPEE 20_2
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Media writing for CATV, an NPR spot, etc. with a focus on changing the perception of addiction and those who are seeking (or actively in) recovery from the disease.
Course: SPEE 20_2
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Writing impact stories for the press/social media/printed materials about people whose lives have been influenced by their engagement with the Montshire.
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 52_20-21
Redesign the Ottaquechee Health Foundation's quarterly digital newsletter to better engage with their stakeholders.
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: N/A
SIP Project Number: N/A
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Yana Grushina
SIP Project Number: 84_20-21
Create marketing materials to enhance word-of-mouth recognition about Maynard House with local Upper Valley residents.
Course: SPEE 20.02
Professor Email: Svetlana "Yana" Grushina
SIP Project(s): 12_TRORC_22-23 / 16_SRLC-VIA_22-23
(12) Design an informational brochure inspiring local landowners in Stockbridge and greater Orange county to improve their flood plan preparations.
(16) Use data and storytelling to demonstrate that expanding the legal status for non-citizens is economically advantageous.
Course: SPEE 20.03
Professor Email: Svetlana "Yana" Grushina
SIP Project(s): 40_SeniorSolutions_22-23 / 60_UVHS_22-23
(40) Design a way to educate the community and local municipalities regarding the services Senior Solution provides and the realities of their organizational structure.
(60) Consult on effective brand narrative, marketing and pricing regarding the wraparound services UVHS provides with animal adoptions.
Course: SPEE 20
Professor Email: Svetlana "Yana" Grushina
SIP Project: 68_Dismas_22-23 *and* 73_NHAS_22-23
Consult on how to increase the online presence of Dismas with younger generations of changemakers and supporters (Dismas); Design a communications campaign to increase the socioeconomic diversity in the scientific community (NHAS).
Course: SOCY 10
Professor Email: Jason Houle
SIP Project Number: 184_19-20
Analyzing health outcome data to explore whether and to what extent there are significant differences in health across the region.