Summer Internship Program

E.E. Just Summer Internship

Program Description

The E.E. Just Summer Internship offers Dartmouth students the opportunity to conduct full-time research with Dartmouth faculty during the 10-week summer term preceding their sophomore year. This hands-on experience is intended to increase the intern's interest in majoring in a STEM discipline and plant the seed of possibly pursuing STEM research and innovation further. Summer Interns will live together in Dartmouth housing and attend weekly professional development seminars throughout the internship. During their sophomore year, Summer Interns will have the opportunity to present their findings at a Jam Session.


First-year students who are planning to major in a STEM field and are committed to the mission of the E.E. Just Community are eligible to apply for the summer internship program. Applicants must identify a research mentor and work with that mentor in the spring to develop a summer research project lasting ten weeks. Students may work with Dartmouth faculty in any STEM department, and may also opt to work with faculty at Geisel or Thayer. Students who are not sure how to find a faculty mentor can refer to information on Finding a Faculty Research Mentor on the UGAR website or contact the E.E. Just Program directly.

Benefits & Responsibilities

  • Funding: E.E. Just Summer Interns will receive a stipend to support full-time research in a STEM field, with summer housing and a meal plan included.  
  • Professional Development: Summer Interns will participate in workshops addressing the responsible and ethical conduct of research
  • Community: E.E. Just Summer Interns will help organize and participate in some aspects of Dartmouth Adventures in STEM (usually in August)
  • Final Report: A final report summarizing your experience and scientific findings

Application, Timelines & Deadline

The E.E. Just Summer Internship application forms is now live and will remain open until the deadline of 11:59 pm, Monday March 17, 2025.

  • Applicants will need to complete the two forms linked below.
  • Always connect with your mentor and general reference faculty members before submitting your recommendation request form.
  1. Faculty Reference Request Form - (Start here!) The E.E. Just Program uses two (2) references as part of a holistic selection process. It is our hope that the references will provide the selection committee with additional insight and perspective regarding your application. To give faculty time to prepare your recommendations, we strongly suggest that your reference request form be submitted by two weeks before the application deadline.

    • Faculty Research Mentor Recommender: The research mentor is the Dartmouth faculty member (e.g., professor) with whom you will conduct research during the Summer Internship, if you are selected. Therefore, your choice of research mentor is a critical component of your application. We encourage you to identify this person as soon as possible to allow ample time for them to work with you in crafting your research proposal and to develop a mentorship plan. In addition to addressing your research project and your potential for conducting research, we will ask your research mentor to comment on your academic and professional goals, your ability to work collaboratively, and your demonstrated commitment to promoting a diverse and inclusive environment. 

    • General Reference: The E.E. Just Community consists of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty who have a keen interest in STEM and a demonstrated commitment to building an inclusive STEM ecosystem wherein systematically excluded and racialized minorities thrive. Therefore, you should seek a general reference from a Dartmouth faculty or staff member who knows you well as an intellectual being, has insight into your motivation and potential for pursuing research, is familiar with your goals, and understands your demonstrated commitment to the mission of the E.E. Just Program. It will also be helpful if they can speak to your ability to work collaboratively, provide leadership, and/or serve as a mentor.

      Important Notes: 

      (1) In general no one reference can speak to everything. Your goal is to choose a pair of references that will provide as full a picture as possible

      (2) The Research Mentor Reference and General Reference cannot be the same person. 

      (3) Please follow up with your references to ensure they meet the deadline.

      (4) For more assistance on finding and communicating with faculty about references, please visit our Tips for Applying page.

  2. E.E. Just Summer Internship Application Form
    (This form can be complete over time in multiple sessions.)  
    Deadline for this and ALL materials is 11:59 pm Monday, March 17, 2025.

    • Personal Information (e.g., name, proposed major(s)/minor(s), etc.)
    • Essay Questions 
    • Research Proposal (written in consultation with your Research Mentor)
  • Mid April, 2025: Finalist Interviews
  • Late April 2025: Announcement of internship recipients.