Tips for a Successful Internship
- Establish a schedule and be clear about whether there is flexibility in when the student may complete shifts.
- Review lab safety procedures.
- Clarify to whom they should report to and/or direct questions. If they will be directly supervised by someone else in the lab, be sure that responsibilities and reporting structure are clear.
- Make them feel welcome. Introduce them to others in your lab group if relevant.
- Articulate goals and expectations both short-term and longer-term. These may need to be adjusted over time.
- Stay in communication. Not just about the project but about their academic and career plans.
- Give and ask for feedback on regular basis. Neutral or lack of feedback may be interpreted as negative feedback.
- Keep in mind that time management is the biggest challenge reported by interns. Factors such as stress, the fast pace of academic terms, illness, or insufficient supervision are primary reasons problems can arise.
- Review the student's bi-weekly TimesheetX time detail report and follow up with the student and WISP if there are any discrepancies or issues. If you are planning an absence, you may designate an alternate approver (assistant mentor, co-mentor, grant administrator, etc.).
- Provide guidance and feedback on their Wetterhahn Science Symposium poster in the spring. If you have more than one undergraduate working with you, they are encouraged to present a group poster rather than individual posters.
- Contact the WISP office sooner rather than later if issues arise.