Applying for WISP Internships

Before you apply

Before entering the WISP research internship matching program, do the following:

  • Review the program timeline (below).
  • If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, be sure that you are eligible to receive wages from Dartmouth.
  • Contact the Office of Visa & Immigration Services if you are unsure of your eligibility prior to beginning the application process.
  • Think about your time commitments during winter and spring terms. Heavy time demands in athletics, music, or other extracurriculars may interfere with some internships.

Application Process

Applications for the WISP research internships are accepted in fall term. Links to the profile form, online project database, and preference form are available only during the application period. The application process is as follows:

  • Attend the virtual WISP Research Internship Information Session.
  • Complete the online student profile form.
  • Visit the WISP online project database to search for projects that interest you.
    • New projects may be added periodically
    • Some projects at DHMC involve accessing internal systems, and these projects will require that students have a social security number.
  • Email faculty members to request an interview for projects that interest you (see email tips below).
    • Do this early! Some faculty may limit the number of interviews they conduct.
    • The more interviews you do, the greater the likelihood that you will be matched with a faculty member.
    • Some faculty may receive multiple requests; please be patient while waiting for them to respond.
  • Complete the online student preference form.
    • Listing only one or two projects may reduce your chances of being matched but only list projects that you would be willing to accept.
    • This is an introductory research experience, so be open to considering research projects in areas and departments about which you know little. 
  • If you are matched, complete the required forms and trainings as directed by WISP and your faculty mentor.