Dartmouth Events

DCSI Winterim ImpACT Poster Symposium

Join us for a poster symposium of systems maps created by students in the ImpACT Winterim Leadership Intensive through the Dartmouth Center for Social Impact (DCSI).

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Common Ground, Collis Center
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Exhibitions, Free Food

Over the Winterim, over 30 students participated in DCSI's ImpACT Winterim Leadership Intensive, a program that provides students a $1,500 stipend to return to their home communities and intern/volunteer at a local nonprofit. During the three week program, students learn about Systems Mapping and put together systems maps for their community.

Join us in Collis on January 24th for a poster symposium on this cohort's systems maps!

For more information, contact:
Anna Leversee

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.