Dartmouth Events

Imu Pig Roast

Join the NAP, OPAL, and Hokupa'a at various stages of building an Imu to roast a pig at the Organic Farm.

12 pm – 7 pm
Dartmouth Organic Farm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Registration required.

Imu Pig Roast
In collaboration with Hokupa`a, OPAL, & the Organic Farm
8 am-noon (build imu and fire) & 4 pm-7 pm (prepare pig and place in imu)
Organic Farm
Participants will be required to assist with the process
Space is limited. Sign-up will be available October 11 

Sign-Up link: https://forms.gle/ramZH1YwNtyp49LJ7

For more information, contact:
Bridget Herrera

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.