Dartmouth Events

Food Sovereignty Conference

Food sovereignty is the ability and right of peoples to grow traditional and healthy foods by way of self-determined and sustainable systems.

All Day
See summary link for location details
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Conferences
Registration required.

Food sovereignty is the ability and right of peoples to grow traditional and healthy foods by way of self-determined and sustainable systems. Food sovereignty is the future of Indian Country. 250 years of Dartmouth’s history have led the college to a unique and promising position to critically engage in ideas important to Native peoples. As part of Dartmouth’s celebration of its 250th year, Foodways in Indigenous Communities centers Indigenous practices and knowledges as they have existed and continue to exist today. Participants will learn of the ways in which tribal nations and Indigenous communities are becoming food sovereign through various initiatives, including some by Dartmouth students and alumni themselves.

Learn more about attending:



For more information, contact:
Bridget Herrera
(603) 646-2110

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.