King Scholars

The King Scholar Program prepares international scholars from around the world to be tomorrow's leaders in alleviating global poverty.


The King Scholars Program seeks international students from low-income backgrounds who are interested in alleviating social issues, such as poverty, in their home countries.


king scholars logo

At Dartmouth, King Scholars receive 4-year scholarships, as well as mentoring and leadership training. Upon graduation, they often return to their home countries to tackle social issues, supported by Dartmouth's alumni network. 

Program Details

Full Scholarships to Dartmouth

King Scholars attend Dartmouth for four years with full financial aid to cover tuition, room, and board. Other benefits include health insurance, a new computer in the first year, and funding to travel between Dartmouth and the student's home country once per year.

Strong Support

King Scholars receive pre-orientation support and mentoring services to help with the transition to college and ongoing academic mentoring throughout their Dartmouth careers. All King Scholars are part of the First-Year Summer Enrichment Program, an intensive experience that prepares students to handle many of the challenges they will face during the course of their first year. They are also part of a supportive and close-knit community of fellow King Scholars.

International Alumni Network

After graduating from Dartmouth, an international alumni network connects all current and past King Scholars in a supportive community.