"My hope is to make a difference."
April 20, 2020 Student Spotlight

My name is Maleah and I am Tlingit from Southeast Alaska. I am a professional of many things. These days, I'm a public programmer, a Tlingit traditional plants and cultural tour guide, a service provider, and a college student. When I'm not working, I spend my time crafting with my far-too-many craft supplies, participating in local activism, and wandering around in the great Alaskan outdoors. I'm also the big sister to three amazing little monsters who keep me on my toes.
The first thing I was told as an incoming indigenous student at Dartmouth was, "You are where you come from." I have held those words with me throughout my Dartmouth career. Now, I am acting on those words. I will be graduating from Dartmouth college with a Bachelor's in Psychology this June. From there, I will begin working as a fellow with Alaska's Children Trust to prevent child abuse and neglect in my amazing home state. My plans for my future are to attain a Master's in Public Health, and then decide what to do with my Master's in Public Health. My hope is to make a difference.