In the Spotlight
Graduating Senior
Boozhoo giinawaa! Elsa nindizhinkaaz, Miskwaabekong nindoonjibaa, Migizi nindoodem, Niizhtana nimbiboonagiz. I am a member of the Red Cliff Band of Ojibwe in northern Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Superior. My home has shaped a lot of who I am and though I am so sad that my time with all of you at Dartmouth got cut short, I am also grateful to have some extra time to be home and with family before going onto my next steps in life. After graduating this June, I am moving across the country to Phoenix, AZ through Teach for America where I'll be teaching 7/8th grade English Language Arts and pursuing a master's in education at Arizona State University. Though I'll be away from Ojibwe country for some time, I still plan to practice Ojibwe language as much as I can and hope to return home to learn and teach the language. Then one day I would love to own a bilingual Ojibwe cafe and just chill as an old lady baking, speakin Ojibwe with my friends and family, and selling beadwork. But until then I am excited (and nervous) for this new experience and hope to learn a lot from the Southwest. I've never been in 100+ degree temps so hit me up if you have any advice! Miss all of you and sending lots of love and wishes of good health to you, your families, and communities.