Congratulations Aimee Pacheco!

Double Major in Geography & Hispanic Studies

From Jaden

Congratulations! I know just how hard you worked to get here and I hope you are so proud of yourself for this achievement. I have spent the last few years in awe of the level of genuine care and work ethic you put into everything you do and everyone around you. Every space you enter in law school and beyond is going to be made better by your brilliance, strong will and capacity for empathy. Even though we can't celebrate together, know that I'm cheering you on now and always!


From Araceli


Congratulations on your graduation! I wish you the very best in your future endeavors. Aimee, I know I haven't known you that long but in the few years that I've known you, I've come to know a very beautiful and intelligent girl. I admire the passion you have to fight for others. I know that you have a very bright future ahead of you and I can't wait to be there to see it happen. 

Congratulations on this big milestone of your life, more great things are coming to you, of that I'm sure! 



From Miriam

Dear Aimee,

We are extremely proud of you! Congratulations on your well-deserved accomplishments. You try your hardest everyday to better yourself. Not only are you trying to help your family but also your community and that's what it's all about, to take advantage of the opportunity you've been given. Not only have you made your parents proud but us your family. We love you so much and can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Congratulations!

From Ana

Aimee: Has recorrido un gran camino hasta el día de hoy  de tu graduación, pero todavía sigue tu vida, se cierra un ciclo y se habré otro, nunca olvides las siguientes palabras para que llegues muy lejos, primero que nada siempre ten los pies en la tierra, se honesta contigo misma, trabaja para un propósito y disfruta lo qué haces,inspira a la gente, se humilde, de nada sirve saber tanto, si se tiene una mala actitud, si se tiene una mala actitud, que todo lo que te propongas lo logras. Atentamente tu tía Ana. P.D Te quiero.

From Arlette

Aimee you have grown so much and I am so impressed with all your accomplishments. I'm writing this to you because you have always been there for me so I'm going to be here for you and just know I am so proud of you. Please do me a favor and never change your personality because this is just one of the many things I love you for.

From Mom

Uno como padre....que no quisiera para ustedes. No quisiera que lloraran, no quisiera que sufrieran, es más no quisieramos ni que el sol les diera. Uno quisiera quitar las piedras de su camino, quisieramos ponerlos en una burbuja y que fueran ajenos a el peligro, inmunes al dolor, o las decepciones. Quisieramos que todo fuera alegría. Que todo fuera perfecto pero no.....,, Lamentablemente la vida no es así y tarde que temprano se encarga de enseñarles que es cruel y que no es de color de rosa como uno quisiera.  Hace 4 años se me rompió el corazón al verte partir, sabia que era algo bueno para ti pero al mismo tiempo me llene de miedo, de temor el solo pensar que te pudiera pasar algo, que me llegaras a necesitar y yo no iba a estar ahí, me hacía sentir impotente y solo me quedó pedirle a Dios que te acompañara en tu camino que guiara tus pasos y que te tomara de la mano para que no te sientieras  sola.    Hoy nos sentimos muy orgullos de ti porque se que no fue fácil , fue difícil, fue mucho esfuerzo, sacrificio, desvelos, malpasadas  y se que muchas veces quisiste dejarlo todo y regresar a casa pero me da gusto que no lo hiciste porque yo sabía que lo ibas a lograr, siempre te lo he dicho tu eres una guerrera, desde que estuviste en mi vientre...., todavía recuerdo cuando me dijieron tienes desprendimiento de placenta y muy probablemente la vas a perder, puede ser de un estarnudo o de levantarte de la cama, y recuerdo pedirle a Dios con todas mis fuerzas que me ayudara a no perderte, que te diera una oportunidad, que tú tenias una vida por delante y desde entonces se que vas a lograr todo lo que te propongas. Hoy se cumplió un sueño, una meta un paso gigante para lo que te propones y tengo la seguridad que con la ayuda De Dios lo vas a lograr. Te quiero mucho, felicidades mi guerrera hermosa.

From Erin Clark

Congratulations Aimee

This is never how I'd I expected I'd be saying goodbye and wishing you the best in your future endeavors. 
It has been such a pleasure to get to know you and be a part of your Dartmouth experience. Thank you also for your commitment to Novack. 
I am so proud of you and you will be missed!  
Good luck with what's to come. 


From Grandma

Hola Aimee gracias a Dios terminaste la universidad fue un excelente esfuerzo y un gran logro en tus sueños y un gran sacrificio separarte de tu familia para alcanzar tus metas Dios te bendiga mi princesita .

From Alex

Dear Aimee,
Considering you edit and basically re-write everything I have ever turned in I can't promise that this letter will be any good. Well, I just wanted to start off with the obvious and say that I love your new haircut. Jk jk congratulations on finishing college! I am so so proud of you and see how hard you have worked. You have sacrificed so much and done the unimaginable. Not only have you worked hard to finish college but you have represented our family and many more first generation Latina and indigenous girls who dream to be in your position. And trust me your have represented them well.  Many people your age and in your position would just focus on school but you have done so much more through your drive for change and commitment to justice and equality. I would like to think that I am naturally the way I am, but I owe so much of it to you. Not only did you help open my mind and help give me a voice but you have been there through it. Your such an inspirational human being and motivate me every day. I love you so much and can't express it enough. I see so many great things in your future and know that finishing college is just the beginning. I'm so glad you were able to go to Dartmouth and figure yourself out. I'm so proud of the person you have become and you constantly give me more reasons to brag about you. Keep doing what your doing and never stop.

            Love, your sister who relies on you for pretty much everything

From Javi


I think I will forever look back at my time at Dartmouth as the time that I met you, my best friend. You truly live up to your fullest Leo potential, being a shining star in every single place you show up. You have gone through things that would have broken so many, but still you inspire me and so many others to keep going. Your commitment to justice and creating the futures we desperately need demonstrates your incredible passion that continuously motivates me. I could go on forever talking about how amazing you are, but I'll end this with a simple I love you. - your roomie javi

From Alyson

Dear Aimee,

Where do I start. You have accomplished many life lessons during your school year. I'm so proud of the person you have grown to be and never underestimate your ability to make a difference in life. Keep learning and keep growing and know that one day, It'll all pay off. Also don't forget that I'll will always be your side supporting you.



From Joseph

Dear Aimee, 

Through the years growing up with you, I never realized how much I could learn about the world we live in through one person. I can say without a doubt, you have taught me how to go through life in various ways and the how to overcome obstacles fearlessly. I have become the person I am today because my big sister taught me from the get go that life was not fair and through all the madness, to keep myself in check and to always see the bigger picture. I congratulate you, not because you have graduated from college, but because I know Aimee Pacheco will one day change the world. Thank you for always being the person I can talk to, the shoulder to cry on, and most importantly, thank you for being a bada** older sister. Continue to be passionate about what you love and never forget that when the times are tough, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Never stop impressing everyone with your achievements and do not be afraid to fail, because through failure, your greatest accomplishments are made! Pacheco out. *mike drop*

Best Regards,
Joseph Pacheco

From Dad

Mi niña, me siento el papá más orgulloso de este mundo, no sólo es tu sueño si no uno de los míos. Que mis hijos se gradúen de una universalidad es un sueño hecho una realidad, siempre me has hecho sentir muy orgulloso siempre supe que ibas a llegar muy lejos. Sigue así alcanzando y luchando por tus metas. El saber que eres una niña de bien me enorgullece aún más. Admiro tu pasión, tu coraje y tus ganas de hacer una diferencia en este mundo. Muy bien Aimee sigue persiguiendo tus sueños que yo siempre estaré ahí para apoyarte y echarte porras porque aunque tenemos diferencias sigo siendo tu fan #1. Con amor tu papá. 

From Steven Abbott

Congratulations, Aimee!  

Very happy for you & wishing you all the best as you move on to your next stages.  Be well  -
