The Prepare to Launch (P2L) Program

A synthesis of traditional career development tools with Designing Your Life (DYL) methodology, the Prepare to Launch (P2L) program provides students with the resources and techniques to achieve an expansive career and life planning roadmap. 


The Prepare to Launch (P2L) Program offers workshops and programs that include individual and group career coaching, assistance with developing effective job search and networking skills, support in identifying post-graduate opportunities, and help in building a foundation that will contribute to a positive transition to life after Dartmouth.


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Dartmouth first-generation students will leave this program having built a community among themselves and with recent first-generation alumni, employer partners, and field-specific Dartmouth alums who can support them in the years to come as they navigate their careers.

A more detailed list of P2L Program's outcome goals can be found below:

  • Articulate strengths, values, skills, and interests
  • Increase one's understanding of industries and job functions
  • Develop networking experiences and abilities  
  • Successfully complete at least one internship or research experience
  • Identify and utlize campus career offices to explore career paths 
  • Build competence and confidence in interviews
  • Strengthen one's ability to negotiate job offers, when appropriate
  • Explore graduate school and fellowship opportunities, if interested
  • Understand personal finance and budget-making

P2L to Incorporate Designing Your Life (DYL) Methodology

In Spring 2024, Janice Williams and the P2L Program received a grant from the Design Initiative at Dartmouth (DIAD) to incorporate Designing Your Life (DYL) programming and provide more targeted career support for first-generation students. We plan to integrate DYL into P2L's programming in Fall 2024, providing space, resources, and individual instruction that aims to teach students to think like designers—with adaptability and curiosity—so they may build a love for trying things and solving life's wicked problems.

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The Prepare to Launch (P2L) Program begins as soon as Dartmouth College first-generation first-year scholars arrive on campus.  Every member of the community will have access to all P2L programs and workshops focused on career exploration and pursuit, graduate school planning, and other life skills including personal finance, with a pilot Financial Literacy series held for four consecutive weeks, taught by Bruce Miller '74 P '10.

Outcomes assessments, including participant pre- and post-surveys of program elements, activities and workshops, student reflections, team evaluations from participating staff and faculty, and employer feedback will provide the P2L team with valuable information regarding the program's effectiveness.

Program Details

The P2L Program is housed in the First-Generation Office with Associate Director, Janice V. Williams D92 spearheading the program. The Division of the Dean of Student Affairs, which includes The Center for Professional Development serves as a major campus partners as well as Thayer Career Services and Dartmouth for Life.