Where to Start

Welcome! If you're wondering if you have a disability and are interested in learning about relevant resources, strategies, or a screening, please find more information below. (Students with disabilities seeking to apply for academic accommodations should go directly to SAS' Apply for Services page.)

Not sure if you have a disability?

Very bright individuals – such as those accepted for selective schools like Dartmouth College – can have a cognitive disorder (such as a learning disability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or psychological disorder) that goes undetected through high school. Moreover, the age of onset for a number of psychological conditions is not until late adolescence, so a student may first begin experiencing a disability while at Dartmouth. Finally, many students don't realize that a condition they experience may qualify as a disability that is eligible for services and support.

Attention, Focus, & Mental Health Concerns

If you are seeking more information about a possible disability, please consider the following:

Start by engaging with at least one of the many offerings available through the Student Wellness Center. They can meet with you for a wellness check-in and guide you in developing stress-reduction techniques (including skills for combating test anxiety), strategies for sustaining attention and focus, and methods of slowing down or reducing racing/distracting thoughts as just a few examples.

In addition, consider connecting with the Tucker Center, an inclusive, multifaith resource that promotes reflection, dialogue, relationship-building, understanding across identities, and intentional engagement among all Dartmouth community members. Confidential pastoral counseling is also available through Tucker.

Dartmouth's Counseling Center offers an online, mental health self-screening tool and higlights a variety of mobile apps and other resources to enhance wellbeing. You can also contact the Counseling Center if you think you need to be screened for attention-deficit disorder. (Keep in mind that a screening will require multiple appointments, likely over the course of a couple of months.)

Moreover, the Counseling Center and UWill teletherapy are key avenues for support with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. If you engage in regular therapy with the Counseling Center (or work long-term with a private mental health professional), you and your provider may determine that you should consider applying for SAS services (in which case your provider can submit documentation to SAS on your behalf).

Suspected Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum, or Trouble Finishing Tests

If your concern is related to a learning disability such as dyslexia, you have wondered about being on the autism spectrum, or if you frequently run out of time on tests that others finish, start by reviewing and trying some of the learning resources and strategies on the Academic Skills Center (ASC) website. Moreover, the ASC offers coaching, an individualized approach that many students find extremely helpful.

You should also be aware that anyone with a Dartmouth ID has access to assistive technology applications that read electronic text aloud (text-to-speech), offer other alternative-format support, help proof-read your papers, and more.

Long-Term Medical Concerns

If you wonder if a medical condition you are experiencing may qualify as a disability, contact the Dartmouth College Primary Care, who, like the Counseling Center, may be in a position to provide you with documentation for registering with SAS if you see them for ongoing treatment/support.

SAS Inquiry Meetings

If none of the options on this page feel quite right and/or you would like to speak with someone from SAS, please email us or call 603-646-9900 to request an SAS inquiry meeting.

If you are being referred by your undergraduate dean, the First Generation Office, or another campus resource, we invite you to copy that person on your request. Although some offices will ask you to send the SAS inquiry request yourself, the individual referring you is also welcome to email SAS on your behalf, copying you and sharing any agreed-upon details about the reason for your inquiry. SAS will then await your personal outreach when you are ready to follow up or to schedule an inquiry meeting.