Becoming a Faculty Mentor

Interested in becoming a WISP research internship mentor? See our research page to learn more about the program, the application process, and deadlines.

Faculty Eligibility

All tenured, tenure-track, and research-track faculty at the college and professional schools can supervise WISP internships. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows may assist faculty in mentoring students.

Submitting a Project

By submitting a project to the WISP Project Database, you indicate your willingness to serve as a faculty mentor to a WISP student for winter and spring terms. The database is open for project submissions from August through November each year. 

To access the system, log in using your Dartmouth NetID. If this is your first time adding a project to the database, email WISP to request access. Include your Net ID in the email. Check the criteria for eligibility to supervise undergraduates in research prior to requesting access. Email WISP if you have questions.

The WISP team reviews all project description and may request revisions.