Undergraduate Sessions

At the Writing Center, you can meet one-on-one with an undergraduate tutor to discuss a paper, research project, or multimedia assignment. Tutors use facilitative approaches to engage you in active dialogue about your projects and process. Whether you are generating ideas, drafting or outlining, or completing final edits, our tutors can support your work, assist as you improve your projects, and help you grow as a writer.

How to Schedule a Session

You may schedule an appointment through our new scheduling system WCOnline

In-person, walk-in, and online-only appointments are all available, and will still require a WCOnline account. We no longer offer asynchronous tutoring.

Before booking a first appointment, please review What to Expect at a Session and the policies listed below.

How to schedule an appointment:

  • Log in WCOnline.
  • If it's your first time, you'll be prompted to create an account. Complete the requested fields, click "Register," and then log back in using the same credentials to view the schedule.
  • Select a schedule: "Undergraduate Tutoring" or "Graduate Student Tutoring."
  • To schedule a session, find an opening that matches your schedule. In calendar view, click on any available (white) slot. In search view, search for an appointment that matches your preferred date, time, tutor, and mode.
  • Once you find an opening, fill out the appointment form, answer the questions, and save the appointment. Your saved appointment will appear in the "My Appointments" dropdown on the top menu bar. You will also receive a confirmation email.

For in-person appointments, come to Berry 183 about 5 minutes before the start of your appointment.

For online appointments, log onto WCOnline a few minutes before your appointment. Click on "My Appointments" on the top menu bar, select your appointment, and click the red "Start or Join Online Consultation" button. 

After you complete your session, you will receive a survey via email.

Policies: Cancellations and No-Shows

If you need to reschedule your session, please cancel at least two hours in advance.

Cancellations within two hours of a scheduled session count as "late cancellations." After five late cancellations, your account will be disabled for the term.

Two missed sessions—sessions that are not canceled—will also cause your account to be disabled.

You will receive an automated email from WCOnline when you cancel late or miss a session.

If you have questions or concerns about our cancellation and no-show policy, please email rwit@dartmouth.edu


Take-Home Exams and Permissions

For any coursework, students are responsible for ensuring that course policy permits the use of a tutoring service or collaboration with others. In the case of take-home exams, Tutors will ask students to show explicit permission from faculty to collaborate, discuss the work with others, or work with a tutor. For take-home exams, if that language isn't present on the syllabus or the exam directions, students should ask their faculty for permission before visiting the center.